ok so my dog was born on feb 20th this year and still isn't trained how do i train him without going to classes? he goes outside 2 times a day and i'm trying to increase that, we give him treats when he does something good my dad just hits his head alittle when he's done something bad (like pee on the carpet, #2 on the carpet..)and he runs away from us... how do i train him?! is it necessary to take him to a trainer?
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Routine is the key..
Feed 3 times per day at the same times daily..Put the bowl away after 10 minutes..
Take him outside after every feeding. He will go about 10-20 minutes after being fed, at his age. Keep water down at all times. Feed on a strict schedule, so that he isn't fed just before bedtime, as he will need to go shortly after being fed..Pups should be fed and then walked ON A LEASH 3 times per day, UNTIL THEY POOP...He will need more frequent outings for peeing..(every two hours until you can learn his schedule) .Walk him just before bedtime, to make certain he is empty..
NEVER scold for mistakes, but give lavish praise every time he goes outside, like he won the spelling bee.....Pups can only hold their pee for 1 hour, per month of age..So, its important to empty them just before bedtime..
Use the same word every time, such as 'do the doody', or whatever..
The most important thing is to watch him closely, and scoop him up and outside when he begins to act restless, turn circles, etc. soon he will whine and look at you when he needs to go.
As for hitting, IT HASN'T WORKED..It makes the problem far worse, as it causes such fear and anxiety. The hitting has to stop or he will never be potty trained.
This problem is clearly NOT the puppy's fault, but the human's.
He should have been house trained months ago. Google 'house training a puppy'. There is plenty of information available. Cocker Spaniels are no more difficult to train than any other breed of dog.
Please tell your father to stop hitting the puppy. It's not the pup's fault that he hasn't been house trained. Hitting a puppy is abuse. It's no wonder he runs away from you. He's afraid he'll be hurt. No good will come from this. No one should ever put a hand on a puppy except in kindness.
He's performing a natural function when he pees/poops on the carpet. If someone had taken him outside in time he wouldn't be doing it. Hitting him makes him think that the act of elimination is bad. It won't be long before he pees/poops behind and under furniture in the hope it won't be found and he won't be hit.
Are you telling us he is only taken outside twice a day? He should be taken out at least every 2 hours at his age, until he is house trained. Do you use the bathroom only twice a day? Of course the poor little thing is peeing and pooping in the house. He has no other option.
ADD: Read this persons other question. They're going to dump the Cocker and are planning on getting one or two what she refers to as Alaskan Husky's...never mind they don't know that Alaskans are Malamutes and Siberians are Huskys.
Rehome the Cocker and never get another dog.
We have something in common - my Cocker Spaniel was also born on 20th January, although he's 4 years old now.
You're right to want to try and increase your dog's trips outside, he really does need more than 2 a day, especially if he's not yet fully housetrained. If you want to learn how to potty train your puppy, you can do so here - http://www.about-cocker-spaniels.com/potty-trainin...
If your puppy has an accident indoors, please don't punish him after the event. He won't understand what he's being punished for unless you catch him in the act. You need to help him associate any punishment with his undesireable behaviour. Timing is all important. Leave it more than a couple of seconds and he won't understand.
When you say your 'dad just hits his head a little when he's done something bad', I am assuming it's a little tap and that he's not really beating your puppy. However, a puppy should never be hit, even a little tap on the head can be dangerous. It's safer, and more effective to say 'NO!' to your dog in a firm voice each time he does something you consider unacceptable. He will soon learn the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behavour.
I would recommend you consider buying a crate for your puppy. They not only provide a safe place for your dog, but can also help with toilet training. You can learn more about the benefits of using a crate and how to crate train your puppy on the website listed below. It's full of useful tips and advice on how to look after your cocker spaniel puppy - why not take a look.
You will also find some good basic training tips to help teach your puppy obedience commands. I would recommend that start from scratch and keep practicing them every day to keep him sharp.
The same website can offer you all sorts of good advice and useful tips on all aspects of caring for your cocker spaniel.
Good luck!
NEVER hit a dog - and especially round the head! He obviously needs more toilet breaks - he is just a puppy for goodness sake. He should have been housetrained by now but obviously needs to pee more than twice a day! You have to watch him and when he looks like he may want to pee or poop take him outside! keep a leash on him so it's easier to get him if he runs away.
By the way do NOT give him a treat when he goes to the loo outside, just verbal praise. He might think it's the action of pooping and peeing that gets him the treat - no wonder he's at it all the time indoors, he wants the treat!! You are really confusing him.
Going outside 2 times per day is not adequate for ANY dog. That is why he is having accidents in the house.
So this dog is 9 months old, correct? Do you have a crate/kennel/cage for this dog? If not, get one. You need to go back to the bare basics and crate train him. Treat this dog like he is an 8 week old puppy to work on house training. I am not going to go into detail here, because honestly, I don't think you care enough to try to train this dog and I am not going to waste my time. Google it, "crate training an 8 week old puppy".
He runs away from you because you are psychically abusing him. Your Dad "hitting his head a little" is the absolute WRONG way to correct unwanted behavior. Once again, not going to get into it, because your questions are ridiculous and you have no business owning a living creature.
Is it necessary to take him to a trainer? Yes absolutely!! He should have started basic obedience training months ago. Your dog's behavior is your fault because you are lazy and irresponsible, not his. Oh, and do this dog a favor, to avoid destroying him even more, stay far, far, FAR away of anything with the name 'Cesar Milan' on it.
It honestly sounds like you got this puppy and then expected it to magically know the rules of your house with no guidance or direction, and then magically train itself with no effort on your part.
Dogs don't train themselves, they can't learn correctly if they are not shown correctly. They don't understand that hitting means they did something bad, only that hitting hurts. They don't understand why they get yelled at for having an accident in the house, when they are only allowed to go outside two times per day.
You need a reality check, and a pet rock instead of a dog...unbelievable...and you want a Husky!?
it's only nessacary if you don't know how to train a dog, which you don't. If you can't afford one, or your parents refuse to hire one, try to get some good training books. Learn as much as you can about dogs and positive training. For your petty problems read up on crate training, it's the fastest and most effective method. Good Luck
An adult dog should be going out SEVERAL times a day. If you cannot properly housebreak your cocker rehome it immediately. Call animal control on your father for setting the dog up to fail and then abusing him when he does.
As to your other question, your dad obviously hasn't owned any kind of husky or he would know that your family cannot handle one.
Learning how to train your dog will improve your life and hers, enhance the bond between you, and ensure her safety and it can be a lot of fun. Dogs are usually eager to learn, and the key to success is good communication. Your dog needs to understand how you’d like her to behave and why it’s in her best interest to comply with your wishes. Check here to learn how to train your dog properly https://tr.im/47a7f