I just found out that i will be having an "Incomplete" grade on my transcript. I have been given the opportunity to retake the class. But i will also be applying to graduate school for next fall.
How does an incomplete score look like on a college transcript to the admitting school?
Also, does it have a negative effect on my GPA?
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Answers & Comments
Usually incompletes are only given under special circumstances, e.g. if you had to miss a lot of class days or a final exam for a major illness or national guard service or something. Those reviewing your application will know this. As long as you're able to complete the missing work by the deadline to get the grade changed and get all the credits you need to graduate in time, it shouldn't have a negative impact on your GPA or grad admission.
You might want to mention in your cover letter or elsewhere on your application that you are retaking the incomplete course and are on track to graduate on time. You may or may not want to mention the reason for having the incomplete in the first place, depending on what that reason is.
It might vary school to school. I was mildly surprised to discover that my university marks grades that were changed from IN on the transcript.
But of course, I think anyone reading your transcript won't really care if you take the incomplete.
I wonder if you're a applying to graduate schools? The PhD admission committee on which I sit will overlook one semester with a number of incompletes (a few schools do still show them even after the work is completed and the grade entered) or, worse yet, withdrawals, if they are properly explained in a personal statement. (A "proper explanation" could range from "that was the semester my father was dying of cancer and I had to be home a lot" to "you'll notice I had a terrible time my second semester -- too many parties and too much beer, I'll admit, but you'll also notice that after being out of school for two years I came back and never had another poor grade or withdrawal.")
But a regular pattern of incompletes/withdrawals in undergraduate or MA level work would be a very bad sign, since doing well in a doctoral program depends heavily on students' ability to be self-motivated even under adverse conditions.
Good Luck Sweetheart!! :)
Have a Great Thursday!!!
Universities and faculties are inclined to position greater weight on Grade point average, Rigor of the Curriculum you've gotten taken (Remedial Algebra shouldn't be rigorous compared to Alg I), SAT / ACT rankings. Some schools take into account your standing in your graduating classification (no longer weighted like these above) or Extracurricular pursuits / community Involvement (now not weighted as so much) in case you appear on the universities web site and go under admissions. Some may just genuinely give you a breakdown of their weighted scale for entry into their tuition. A tuition tour is just a university visit - that expresses interest within the school and offers you an possibility to communicate with the recruiter. If the school asked you in my view w/ mum or dad to attend the tour then they are interested by you - converse with the recruiter that called you. In the event you attended the university tour with a bunch / classification / area trip or something like that then the institution is doing its recruiting method almost always - to the plenty in a sense - whether you're qualified / met their criteria or now not you're going to be doing the tour.