I am a 40 year old female, received a lumbar puncture on Thursday night at 11:54 pm with a size 22 needle. Within hours I experienced a horrific headache! It disappears completely when lying down. it reappears immediately when i sit up to drink, cough,or attempt to use the restroom. It has now been 58 hours with no change. I have been drinking lots of fluids, able to keep food down, and have tried drinking lots of coffee to no avail. I'm allergic to morphine and opiates so i am not on any pain meds at this time. I read about the blood patch online and I'm wary of trying that approach. What are the chances that this will resolve on it's own and can anyone give me a time frame? I'm rally quite worried and I return to work tomorrow!
Update:I was told to drink lots of fluids to replace the fluids removed and that caffeine can restrict the enlarged vessels, thereby reducing the headache... Now I don't know what to do!
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Actually the advice you got to increase your fluid intake and take some extra caffeine is standard advice following a spinal tap, and it is considered the correct approach. You can see verification of that by clicking this link:
These type of headaches are extremely painful and are very common in the first day after a spinal tap procedure. However when they are not getting any better two-and-a-half days after the procedure, they do raise concern because sometimes the hole does not seal and cerebrospinal fluid continues to slowly leak which would not be good. You may need an additional medical evaluation and imaging to get a better look at the situation. Please click this link (several short pages to click through on symptoms and treatment, but the idea that this should start feeling better after a day with increased fluid intake is on the first page here):
I would encourage you to call the doctor NOW who did the spinal tap. On a Sunday in the US, you'd be leaving a message with an answering service. Just leave your name and number and the message: "Still having severe headache 60 hours after spinal tap." Your doctor, a partner of your doctor who happens to be on call today, or a nurse may call back today or Monday. You may be asked to go to the hospital or just wait until Monday and come in to an office, or you may be given some other advice or prescription.
Wishing you good luck and good health and relief soon.
I had a spinal tap, but within an hour walked a half-mile home. Never developed the headache.
Tylenol will help.
Go easy on the fluids. Too much fluid load can leave extra fluid in your crebrospinal space, which will make your head hurt. Too much coffee can also cause headaches.