And what are the consequences at your school?
How should I go about skipping classes without getting caught? The teacher writes the names of the students missing and then signs the paper, it's not like I can redo-it
I'd ask my parents but they wouldn't understand why
Not only would I get suspension on a sunday, but also an unnecessarily long speech from my parents
Thanks ^^
Update:for my last Spanish class of this semester, we have a salsa dance class. It'd be fine if I didn't get in trouble with a group of guys from that class
It'd be the most awkward hour of my life if I get to dance with them (and I will for sure)
and I can't just ask to switch partners (it's complicated).
So skipping it would just be for the best :/
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I don't skip classes, it's just too much trouble afterwards. You have to get all kinds of official documents saying you had a reason to skip, and if you don't get those things turned in you get in-school suspension or something.
As for the rest of your question, why are you skipping?
(edit) Well if you want to get out of dancing, just say you feel sick or something and ask to sit out. Or you can be sent to the nurse and make a detour to the bathroom or something. But make sure you have something to do so you're not just standing in a bathroom for an hour.
I don't skip very often. I've skipped a few art classes and a gym class. It's hard to completely skip a class. It's a lot easier to come in late and write yourself a note. You could go to the nurses office, you could sign out of school then sign back in with a forged note, or you can just f*ck it and hope you don't get caught. At my school some teachers take attendance and others don't. I skip on the ones who don't.
The consequences at my school are a detention (a suspension for a repeated offense) and 10% lowered from your GPA (yes, your GPA - not just the class you skipped) so it's really not worth it,
Ummm no I haven't skipped...
I have been purposly late for class though bc I was just walking back & forth around the hallways with my friends...but we did that when we had a substitue bc of course she didnt know our names.
Consequences are most likely suspension or detention (principals office).
If you don't want to get caught just do it when there is a substitute. Stay in the bathroom most of the time that way if another teacher sees you, she'll only think your using the bathroom.
I've also never got caught even wandering the hallways while passing by a teacher..they just thought I was headed to class and nothing more too it.
We can't anymore, they changed the registers so the teachers can see what classes we have been in during the day and if it looks suspicious they ask the office to see if we have signed out of school. It's quite a small school as well.
I've only been caught once but i used to do like 1 or 2 lessons a week, one day i did all 5 lessons though. It was me and my friend and we just got taken to our lessons and like screamed at. The teacher never did teach me the same after that, but she never liked me anyway. If your caught out of the school grounds you get an internal though and they're just boring as crap.
If you want to skip class just go in late or something if there is no way you can get away with it if you have already been in school.
EDIT: Under your circumstances i would fake sick, even if you have to make yourself throw up (which isn't hard but it's pretty dirty i know) because if you really don't want to go but don't want to get in trouble this is the best way out and it's guaranteed.
Class magnificence...I skipped the cultured categories with out a magnificence. relies what was once happening. Skipped categories for starting days of baseball seasons. In grade tuition I had a dentist appointment around the avenue from tuition for just a part hour within the morning. I was once consider to go back to tuition however I went dwelling alternatively each time. The instructor on no account wondered it. That excuse notice had a few energy.
I used to bunk constantly. I'd bunk on my own or with friends. I bunked Double period art, Dida, Chemistry, Maths, Physics, Dance, PE & Biology.
I don't go to registration, then i skip classes and they think i'm absent then i go to the office and sign in when i wanted to come back or i just skip then come back and admit that i'd skipped.
If you really want to skip go the school toilets and fake diarrhea it's embarrassing if you have to tell anyone but it get's you out of class. Using some sort of medical excuse means you can skip a random lesson in the middle of the day.
The consequences at my school for bunking were to sit you in the time out room for the rest of the day and give you an after school detention. It's funny though because you skip lesson then they put you in time our during class time so you miss more lessons.
Edit: If you want to skip physical activity use the period cramp excuse..
I skipped once at my art school, but it was a pretty relaxed place and all I had to do was stay in the bathroom during class. It was easy to skip there.
At my public school now, I've never skipped. It's too difficult! Anyway, I always say, if I tried to skip I'd get caught because I wouldn't know how!
Never. I would much prefer not to screw up my grade.
If we skip even one class any assignment for that day isn't counted at all even a test
and in some classes our grade goes down 20 points on top of that. I may have all A's
but it's not worth it in my opinion. We also get a saturday school. After the third skip
we get suspended.
in college i skipped classes i know i could get away with skipping and if i got asked where i was i would just say i was feeling ill or my bus didnt turn up
never did it at secondary school though that would have been lame there wasnt anything to do or anywhere to go and you were more than likely to get caught if you just hung out in the corridor
the way people used to skive out of lessons at school they would turn up ask to go to the toilet and then leave for a decent amount of the lesson. they had to come back because their bag would be in the room
Lol i used to skip classes a lot in high school and i still graduated. Best thing to do is not to skip if you're going to get in trouble. I live in a city and the teachers are kinda corrupt so they didnt care if i came or not. lol dude if thats the case do what white out wendy said xD