Hi, I am having a problem with tempo automation in FL Studio version 10. First I dragged 3 samples from a old school song straight into the playlist instead of the step sequencer. One of the samples is 8 bars long and the other two samples are four bars long. After that I automated the 8 bar long sample to play at 133 bpm. Then I automated the other two samples two play at 160 bpm. Heres the problem, the 8 bar long sample plays fine but when the other two samples play they are at a different pitch. The pitch for all three samples need to be the same. I cannot for the life of me figure this out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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click all at the bottom of the step sequencer so that it shows all patterns,audio clips, automation in your projects. now see the 4 bar long one. click it. it will open a sampler. there under the tab time stretching you will find these things
pitch mul time resample
now here click on resample and change it to pro-transient.
your problem is fixed. if you don't understand it's probably coz you need visual demonstration which i a not capable of. i cant upload a video on internet.
but if you don't get what i say and yet you want the answer and have a lot of patience, then watch this channel. i dont know in which do wehave answer to your question. but i am pretty sure it is in the first four videos of this channel. it is from youtube.
if you still have a problem mail me i will hep you.
[email protected]
hope it helped. this is the only way. you can't expect any better answer than this.
have a nice day.
In the time stretching part, you have the Pitch, Mul, and Time knobs. The pitch knob in the menu won't affect time; The pitch knob at the top of the channel settings will.