buy some lcd screen wipes or also u can get some solution in a spray bottle with anti dust cloth, but to save money or for a quick fix try wet wipes, give it a quick wipe and then dry it off with a tissue for a nice shine, be sure to turn the screen off first
i personally use a microfiber cloth. You can find these in the auto parts section (for polishing cars with). And i add just a little bit of purified water, and wipe the screen. I don't use any chemicals or alcohol for fear of ruining my screen. It's worked fine for it's relatively cheap.
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I use Anti-Glare glass filter cleansing solution.
Use a soft cloth to wipe it off.
buy some lcd screen wipes or also u can get some solution in a spray bottle with anti dust cloth, but to save money or for a quick fix try wet wipes, give it a quick wipe and then dry it off with a tissue for a nice shine, be sure to turn the screen off first
i personally use a microfiber cloth. You can find these in the auto parts section (for polishing cars with). And i add just a little bit of purified water, and wipe the screen. I don't use any chemicals or alcohol for fear of ruining my screen. It's worked fine for it's relatively cheap.
There are some kind of spray with liquid that specially for the screen. Or you can just use wet sponge.
use a damp cloth but a microfiber cloth works best...they are great for all types of cleaning.
rubbing alcohol computer wipes will fog the screen....already been there...
Screen wipes are available at computer stores. Use them.
take a cotton wool dip it into a solution of
90% Alcohol and 10% water that should do the job.
(make sure you don't wet the cotton wool too much)
Baby wet tissues are the best. Or bye from PC store wet tissues. Wodka :):) on tussue help also :)
use proper screen wipes only .....a screen is too important and expensive to mess up ...
Just spit on it a few times then use an oily rag to wipe it clean.