I've noticed that even if you download reliable torrents you somehow end up getting caught downloading it. I was wondering how companies do it. My friend downloaded a movie off The Pirate Bay, and he got a letter from Cable Vision saying that the company that owns it tracked him downloading it. How do they do if even though he downloaded a legit torrent. And how do you avoid it.
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What makes you think the torrent was legit? If it was copyrighted material, it is illegal period. They trace the IP that is downloading the file to an ISP. They then notify that ISP that one of their customers is using one of their assigned IPs. Your ISP traces that IP to whoever it was assigned to at whatever specific time it was used. They keep records of this because they legally have to. Your ISP has the option of warning you and even cutting your internet service off. If it happens again, the owners of the copyrighted material get an injunction to force the ISP to provide your name and address. You can then be fined and even jailed depending on the severity of the laws you broke. You can't hide from it. You WILL lose in court.
Sure can. The telecom companies can isolate the txt messages to and from a specific phone no problem. If you're concerned about sensitive information being intercepted, I would suggest you learn how to make and use what's known as a "one time pad." It's a form of cryptography that will, if properly used, give you unbreakable messages. Except for the key generation (which can be done on your computer with a progam called Random Labs. google "random labs".), it's all done with pen and paper, so you can use it with any phone capable of text messages, you don't need a smart phone with special software or anything. I'll explain it real quick. You use a program called Random Labs (or any other cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator) to generate keys. You want to include characters A through Z (with a lowercase o, because capital looks identical to the number 0), _ (underscore, which represents a space), and 1 through 9. They keys will be a long string of random numbers, letters, and an underscore. Like: DEHZI AIS9D S_YMZ etc. Suppose you wanted to send a message "shoot now" (which, after replacing spaces with underscores, would become shoot_now). Add the numerical value of the key's letters to the message's letters. Like A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, etc. up to Y=25, Z=26. Then _=27, 0=28, 1=29, etc. up to 8=36, 9=37. There's a total number of 37 characters in our alphabet. D E H Z I A I S 9 S H O O T _ N O W D=4, S=19...19+4=23. 23=W, so that's the first letter of the ciphertext. What we'd send in a text message, secure from pigs' eavesdropping. To contine... E=5, H=8. 5+8=13. 13=M H=8, O=15. 8+15=23. 23=W Z=26, O=15. 26+15=41. Since 37 is the top number (37=9), we'd subtract 37 from 41. 41-37=4. 4=D So our ciphertext so far is WMWD. That's what we'd send in the text message. If we wanted to decrypt that, we'd work in reverse. Subtract the key (DEHZ) from the ciphertext (WMWD). W M W D D E H Z W=23, D=4. 23-4=19. 19=S. M=13, E=5. 13-5=8. 8=H W=23, H=8. 23-8=15. 15=O D=4, Z=26. Can't subtract 26 from 4, so you'd add 37 to 4 then subtract 26. (4+37)-26=15. 15=O So our plain text so far is SHOO Alternatively, if you want to generate keys without a computer, you can do it the old fashion method. Get 37 identical items, like poker chips, pennies, bottle caps, etc, and write on them every letter of your alphabet (a through z, underscore, 1 though 9). Put them in something, shake them, draw one out, write it down, put it back in, and repeat. Very slow, but it works. I'll do the entire thing here, so you can see it all... D E H Z I A I S 9 S H O O T _ N O W Key | Text.....................Ciphertext D=4, S=19...19+4=23. 23=W E=5, H=8. 5+8=13. 13=M H=8, O=15. 8+15=23. 23=W Z=26, O=15. 26+15=41 41>37 so 41-37=4. 4=D I=9, T=20. 20+9=29. 29=1 A=1, _=27. 1+27=28. 28=0 i=9, N=14. 9+14=23. 23=W S=19, O=15. 19+15=34. 34=6 9=37, W=23. 37+23=60. 60>37 so 60-37=23. 23=W Assuming I did my math right (you'd want to double check if doing it for real), our ciphertext in its entirety is WMWD1 0W6W
Your Internet Service Provider has access to your data, meaning they can get to know what you do while you surf on the Internet. If they have a specific domain such as The Pirate Bay in their database, then they will get notified when someone access the website. It does not happen often at all. It's just really bad luck to get caught downloading something. Another way is that whenever you download something from a torrent, the person who is on the other side (providing you with the data you desire to download) can track you down with your IP address. Since there is transit of data in the torrent download, your information can be provided to 3rd parties if you don't securely block it.
In utorrent you may find peers tab it sshowing up ips and software name like utorrent,bittorren etc..,
your ip is not visible to you and it will be visible to all others downloaders ofthat torrent. the company's find out whos ip its and tracks you.
Your provider knows every byte you download - they're the ones who catch you. You can't avoid it.
you don't do it, and buy a game like a honest person