I have a 5 month old kitten that seems to delight to getting into trouble. He will get up on everything and what isn't nailed down will knock off onto floor. Tried every humane way I know of to cure him of this but nothing works-HELP!!!!
Update:Kitten has corgie pup to play with along with tons of toys, scratching post (he uses it), tried water spray, and a host of other things. have had many cats before but never one like this guy.
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It's normal for a cat to climb on things, especially furniture. Try getting him/her a scratching post to which he/she can climb. My 15 year old cat used to love the little round thing with the ball in it....it had cardboard in the middle that he clawed at. But the more toys you get them the less they are to climb on your furniture. If he gets on the counter, don't let your guard down...push him off. Good Luck!
My daughter and I adoped a 3 legged kitten last year and have never had a problem with the kitty getting into things where she shouldn't be, except for the 1st month she did love removing all the tissue from a roll of toilet tissue and ripping it to shreds all over the house... first off, I bought a slew of cat toys, one of which is a robot mouse that is paw activated, the cat loves it... also I leave the cardboard tubing from papertowels and toilet tissue in the floor and our kitty loves these, since I started doing that, she has never shredded up paper again.... she's a year old now, has no clue she is missing a leg(i refuse to tell her) and she has more energy and is more playful than any cat we've ever owned! You just need to find something that keeps your cats interest, entertains him and be patient--and make sure to give him alot of attention and tlc... i have found with many of our pets in the past, this is the major thing that causes them to get in trouble!
First, buy a spray bottle. Then, when he does something he should not be doing (ie, scratching your couch, biting you, begging for food) spray him. Pretty soon, he'll learn not to do these things. My cats learned, and it's only been three weeks.
Second, you need to make sure he has all of the "tools" to meet his needs. Cats have a need for hunt, scratch, perching, and interaction. If you do not offer him with these, he will make his own. (interaction and hunt can go together if you dangle a string for him). You probably need to get him a scratching post, some sort of perch, lots of little toys (mine loves milk rings!), Maybe a box for him to crawl in and out, and interact, maybe chase him a bit to get his energy out (play chase, that is) My cat also loves gift tissue paper. That lets him "destroy" something.
It sounds to me like he has lots of energy. Kittens do! Mine does the same thing. Just play with him a lot. Run him till he can't run no more, and getting him a perch to put in front of the window would help a lot.
I hope I've helped! Good luck, don't get too frusterated! I know how you feel.
First, remember he is a KITTEN. That means he is a baby and will get into everything. The best training methods are saying "no" and then removing him from the situation and a good water spray bottle to get him when he is destructive.
Just remember to only do this when he is really doing something wrong, not just being a curious kitten, there is a difference. Don't worry, in another month you can have him fixed and he will calm down more. : )
When my son was starting to cruise around and go for things on the coffee table I had two choices: (1) say "No!" a hundred times a day or (2) remove breakable things from the table. I guess you know what I did (at 39 he is no longer destructive at all). You will not have to wait nearly that long.
To be constantly after a kitten for being a kitten is just wrong. You wanted the cute little bugger and you could have chosen an adult, subdued, refined cat.
Remember, what you put energy into increases. So switch your attitude around a 180 degrees and let him be himself. He will grow out of it, never fear.
You're going to have to treat this kind of like you would if you had a child who has just learned to crawl. Put things up high, hide your cords, especially behind the computer, move things you don't want him to get into. Get him lots of little toys to play with and distract him from your curtains and knick-knacks, etc.
Make sure he has some things that are ok for him to climb - you can buy kitty condos and climbing "trees" at a pet store.
I got my cat one of those popup play cubes at WalMart ($4 I think) - it's not to climb on, but he has a blast with it, and it helps to keep him occupied.
They're going to explore and get into anything and everything. This is the kitten's nature, and it's probably not going to be cured. It will settle down as he gets older, but he's always going to be curious. If he gets up on a table or something, just put him down and say NO. Keep doing that. Or if it's really bad, try the squirt bottle.
You're right, he probably does delight in it. It gets your attention! I'd also take time, several times a day, specifically to play with him. Get him chasing something, jumping, running... physically wear him out so he wants to go take a nap!
He's not a bad kitten.... he's just a kitten! : )
Edited to add... sounds like you and Richard D have my cat's long-lost siblings! Some kittens are just little terrors, and while mine has settled down a lot in terms of climbing curtains, getting into the miniblinds, gnawing on cords and furniture... he still has his wild moments, especially in regard to pouncing, attacking me, etc. You just have to learn how to distract them, I guess.
I'm going through the same thing right now. I play with him using a string for at least an hour every evening off and on but it is not enough. Angel by day, devil by night - is just the way I think of it. From tackling the tv antennea, knocking the receiver off the phone so I hear the off-hook noize waking me up, to going into the bathroom and attacking the shower curtain. I have to keep the tp in the medicine cabinet or I will find it halfway unrolled and torn to shreds the next morning. His favorite thing to do is to grab my arm, bite my wrist and kick the hell out of my arm. He will hide under my chair, fly out and attack my legs or my butt. To him it is a game, to me it is driving me nuts. I am considering putting his litter box out in the living room (just at night) and closing my bedroom door (the box is usually next to the toilet but the bathroom is adjacent to the bedroom). I really don't want to do this. When he is pooped out finally he will curl up right next to me and lay his head down on my chest. Very affectionate. But when I see his eyes get big and his tail start twitching I am in for a rought time.
Basically, he's a wild and crazy kid with a lot of stored up energy bursting out. Without something appropriate to release that energy on, he's going to find whatever looks like fun at the moment and let it all out.
With a kitten (and really with any cat, at least until they "get it") everything that is breakable, fragile or valuable needs to be put away where he can't reach it. You need to "cat proof" the house, just as if you would child proof for a young child that could get into stuff. The way I do it is the cats are allowed run of the entire house, just not the bedroom (so I don't have to cat-proof that room, I can leave out jewelry, glass figurines, books, etc. and not worry, and my pillow is cat hair free), the laundry room (one of my cats delights in tearing up clothing), and the office (paper is WAY too much fun for cats). The reptiles are kept in the off limits areas since the cats want to play with them.
In the living room, kitchen, etc. no glasses or dishes are left out, no glass figurines or decorations, etc. They have a scratching post, chasing toys, balls of yarn, beds, cat houses, boxes, etc. for them to play in and that's what they tear up, which is exactly what I want them to do.
In the wild, cats use what's available to do what they need. They maintain their nails by scratching trees or logs, they bury their poop in the dirt or sand, they chase after small animals for food and exercise. Kittens tear up their siblings and parents and anything else they can find learning how to hunt.
It's important to direct your kitten to the correct toys so that he learns what is OK to play with. When he is doing something he should not, spray him with water from a squirt gun or spray bottle, throw a can of pennies near him (but not at him), or do something that convinces him that it's not worth it, BUT try to do it in such a way that he doesn't associate it with you, but with the action. He shouldn't see you go for the bottle or throw something near him or he will just avoid doing it while you are there instead of not at all.
When he is doing something you DO want him to do, like scratching the scratching post or playing with a cat approved toy, give him a treat (my cats LOVE LOVE LOVE feline Greenies above everything else in life), or let him find one near it.
Also, remember, he's a wild and crazy kid and sometimes they just go NUTS and you just have to laugh at his silly antics and then clean up the mess. But keeping him away from the things that are really valuable or really messy will save you a lot of grief.
Good luck and ENJOY your new family member. Watching their silly antics is the best part!
The key word is you have a kitten. They are like children, still learning, very active, hyper and playful. I would suggest maybe getting a book on tips about raising a kitten. And most of all be patient.
Kittens do no longer look evil. they are merely very energetic, playful and hyper (comparable to young ones) indexed below are some useful regulations in choosing a attractiveness on your cat. - Please evaluate that the domestic dog-come across you pass with will used dozens of events an afternoon to call, compliment and could be scold. - %. a attractiveness that the domestic dog can conveniently delight in. Animals respond better to a million or 2 syllable names. - choose for a attractiveness that’s each and each handy to call out and one which you're happy calling out. - If choosing an prolonged come across carry in recommendations the shortened version. A long come across will unavoidably be shortened, whether it relatively is going to wreck the top effect which you merely were contained in the start observing for. - The domestic dog’s breed historic past can furnish some useful theory. For representation: Siamese, Balinese, Korat, and Burmese are Oriental breeds; Don Sphynx and Peterbald are Russian; Abyssinian is Egyptian; Chartreux is French; Bombay are British; Devon Rex is English. - waiting a pair of days to examine your pets conduct can help pass with the right come across. The character and visual attraction classes would help precise right here. - %. a attractiveness with a purpose to strengthen with the domestic dog. For representation "Kitten" is likewise much less precise for an entire grown cat. in my opinion, it extremely is extra significant on a similar time as you come across your domestic dog your self. look at those information superhighway web content for an outstanding variety of domestic dog come across ideas.. you would be waiting to seek for via way of breed, gender, colour, meaning, and often happening letter of the come across.