Ok, long story short there's a guy I dated back inthe 8th grade but ended up breaking up w/him not too long after. We decided to stay friends and here we are seniors in high school and he is really messing up his life. He tells me he's in love with me and that I'm the only reason he has to live. He's a high school dropout and he just got put into a mental hospital for trying to commit suicide by overdosing on vicodin. He claims to be aetheist while I'm actually a really religious person and my family has even told me to stop talking to him. He's even put me on the very top of the visiting list while he's in the hospital.
I just don't know where to go from this because I feel like if I leave him he will do something to hurt himself even more and if I don't I'll just keep hurting myself. I'm a really positive person and I try to bring him back up but he always argues with me and disagrees + degrades himself. He claims that I don't care about him when he calls me at 3 in the morning on school nights. What can I do?
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You shouldn't be the "only reason he has to live." When someone tells you that it's time to leave...even if they are really hurting themselves. He needs help. And obviously, you can't help him at this point.
I had a friend once and he used to be a genius. I had AP Phys with him and he came out on top, but shortly before the end of the year, his father died and his life went in a hellzone.
You want to help your friend or not? It's not our decision, it's yours. If you want to help him, then tell him that you really like him and call him at 3AM in the night. Try and rebound every wrong of his in a tactful way so that he stops doing it. Since you're a girl, it will work most of the time. Keep in mind that his feelings are as fragile as glass just as any human's are, so don't insult him ever. Avoid arguing with him.
If you don't care about him, then add him to block list on any medium that he contacts you with and never speark to him again.
Hi- It sounds like your friend is in the best place he can be right now to get the help he needs. Right now if I were you I wouldn't take anything he says too seriously as he is very confused and upset with the world and himself. Be there for him if you can, but don't let him degrade himself and call you at 3 am on school night! And if it’s hurting you too much right now, you need to distance yourself from your friend! He's in a safe place and you need to be happy. Good Luck.
He is not your responsibility.
You could visit him, to tell him that what he is feeling is infatuation, and that love needs to be reciprocated, and you realise there is no possibility of a future with him. He is probably deeply depressed. A previous answer, modified for, follows: There is a relationship between melatonin, which is produced by the brain during sleep, and the neurotransmitter, serotonin, which has been shown to be low in people suffering from depression. Although pre-teens need around the same sleep time as adults, teens may need up to 9.5 hrs. The thing is, many teens are naturally predisposed to, or habitually prefer to stay up late, and get up late, but societal, and school demands are such as to often preclude this. Some schools are changing their timetables to accomodate this, but they are, so far, few, and far between. Get bright light on awakening, preferably for 2 hrs, but at least 30 mns, to reset your circadian rhythm. It's also a good idea to get bright light again in the evening, so you cover a daily span of 14 hrs; say 7 - 7.30 AM and 7.30 - 9 PM, then reduce light levels to simulate approaching darkness, in preparation for sleep. Depression impairs cognitive functioning, and can cause insomnia, which is addressed on pages 1, and o, at http://your-mental-health.weebly.com/ See page D about how to deal with a suicidal person.
Take the depression quiz at www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/ and print the result. Take to a doctor, for tests. I advise against the use of antidepressants for those less than around 24 -25, due to their increased risk of suicide, homicide, or aberrant behaviour. Many of those who use antidepressants report feeling loss of emotions, and/or a feeling of being "zombified". The rate of side effects is around 25% - 30%, and something that they don't tell people is that these can include, rarely, permanent sexual dysfunction, inorgasmia (inability to climax) and involving, in males, the total inability to attain an erection. I believe that it is wise not to take such risks unnecessarily, without at least first trying the alternatives. If antidepressants are offered, say "thank you very much, doctor", and pocket the prescription, but don't fill it until giving the alternative treatments a good tryout. Antidepressants will still be available, if required, (unlikely) but it's best to avoid the risks, and side effects, if at all possible. I only recommend their use as a treatment of first choice in exceptional circumstances.
Check out: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articl%E2%80%A6 and related articles. Most doctors, are only taught: "antidepressants, therapy, and if resistant, ECT", and both they, and psychiatrists (who are too busy to pass on their knowledge of other treatments, if they are aware of such) may be receiving rewards, or inducements/freebies from pharmaceutical companies, to prescribe their brands. View http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articl%E2%80%A6 and http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articl%E2%80%A6 See http://your-mental-health.weebly.com/1.h%E2%80%A6 and pages 3, and b for effective, non medication based depression treatments. Try them for 3 - 6 months, to see if they are sufficient. If not (which is unlikely) the core treatments should still be maintained, as neither antidepressants, nor St. John's Wort, or supplements should be relied on as the sole treatment for depression. Always check out medications first at www.drugs.com & www.rxlist.com & http://iguard.org/ and read any inserts, or labels. Be on the alert for any of the abovementioned effects. Wean off antidepressants in accordance with http://theroadback.org/workbook.htm I suggest that you use the many teen resources on page 2, at Weebly.
If you truly believe your friend is in danger the best thing that you can do is pick up the phone and call the authorities that will hopefully get him the help that he needs. If you do not believe he is at that level then the best thing is to remind him that you are there for him and actually be there for him. In my opinion that is the key to getting through a difficult situation just by knowing someone is there.
Imagine that you went through twelve years of intensive medical education and post doc. You still would probably not be able to "fix" him. He is under psychiatric care already so that should be sufficient. You can be an understanding friend, but he will try to suck you into his insane orbit, so beware. If you go along with him you are allowing him to be an extortionist, and you his victim. Make it clear that you will not tolerate that.
Tell the nurses or his doctor you want to attend his therapy class so you can talk about this. By doing this not only do you get to see what is really happening to him and what he needs help with but you can tell him how this isn't what you want. You cannot stay around out of fear because you have feelings too and being with someone with a mental problem will not help you this doesn't mean stop talking to him but just try to help and if it gets out of hand talk to his therapist or get one of your own.
He is an expert at controlling people. You or your parents need to call the police if he threatens to kill himself. They will handle it. Have your parents change your phone no. You cannot help him. He needs professional psychiatric help. Stay away from him. Don't feel sorry for him. That is the "hook" he is using to hang onto you and control you.
well Darlinggg, you need to realize that you can't save everyone, but you need to get yourself away from him because he will slowly become the only thing that matters in your life. so seperate yourself from his as much as possible, trust me I've been there before. not quite as bad, but the kid ended up writing me a suicide note through myspace and i told the cops and they saved his life because he was planning his death that night. but it wrecked me for years. so seperate yourself completly. asap. trust me. don't answer the phone.
Maybe you should stage an intervention At least try to convince him to call a hotline.