You can only delete questions that you asked, and you can only do that while they are still 'open'. Once a question is in 'voting' or has been resolved via a Best Answer being chosen, the question belongs to Y!A and is in their database forever (or until they start archiving old Q&As anyway).
You can also email Yahoo Customer services at or and ask for them to delete the question for you. In your email include the link to the question you want deleted, explain why you want it deleted and ask them to delete it for you
To delete your question while it's still open, go to the question page, pass your mouse over the pencil icon in the toolbar below your question, and click on Delete Question.
If the edit link is not available, it means the question is either 'in voting' or already resolved. Only OPEN questions can be deleted by the asker. If no longer open, the question belongs permanently to Yahoo Answers database.
View your question (You can find all of your questions by going to My Profile under the green words "ask. answer. discover." Scroll some way down the page and you'll see the green tabs My Answers, My Questions, My Starred Questions, and My Watchlist. Click on My Questions, click on the title of your question."
Under the body of your question, click Edit and then click Delete your question. =)
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You can only delete questions that you asked, and you can only do that while they are still 'open'. Once a question is in 'voting' or has been resolved via a Best Answer being chosen, the question belongs to Y!A and is in their database forever (or until they start archiving old Q&As anyway).
You can also email Yahoo Customer services at or and ask for them to delete the question for you. In your email include the link to the question you want deleted, explain why you want it deleted and ask them to delete it for you
To delete your question while it's still open, go to the question page, pass your mouse over the pencil icon in the toolbar below your question, and click on Delete Question.
If the edit link is not available, it means the question is either 'in voting' or already resolved. Only OPEN questions can be deleted by the asker. If no longer open, the question belongs permanently to Yahoo Answers database.
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View your question (You can find all of your questions by going to My Profile under the green words "ask. answer. discover." Scroll some way down the page and you'll see the green tabs My Answers, My Questions, My Starred Questions, and My Watchlist. Click on My Questions, click on the title of your question."
Under the body of your question, click Edit and then click Delete your question. =)