You can start looking online on your local health care entity websites...(i.e. clinics, hospitals) as most have a career section with jobs posted.
You could also check out online job searches like Indeed which provides links to the employer websites, which is one of the reasons I prefer their job search over ones that do not allow you to check out the employer website or original job posting.
If you have no experience, you really want to ensure you get some good professional references. I am sure you had to do either an intern/externship as part of your MA program? Did you establish some good relationships there where you can get some good references?
If you are not finding anything locally, you may have to consider either commuting or relocating. It is a catch 22......many employers want experience, but if not provided the opportunity to get experience, how does one get the experience. It is a challenge. I would definitely encourage you to try and find a job as soon as possible, because the longer you are out of school......and not involved in working in a health care setting, your credentials won't look as good on paper as someone who doesn't have a large gap from the time they graduated from a program until they actually were applying for a particular position. They may wonder about the "Gap".
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You can start looking online on your local health care entity websites...(i.e. clinics, hospitals) as most have a career section with jobs posted.
You could also check out online job searches like Indeed which provides links to the employer websites, which is one of the reasons I prefer their job search over ones that do not allow you to check out the employer website or original job posting.
If you have no experience, you really want to ensure you get some good professional references. I am sure you had to do either an intern/externship as part of your MA program? Did you establish some good relationships there where you can get some good references?
If you are not finding anything locally, you may have to consider either commuting or relocating. It is a catch 22......many employers want experience, but if not provided the opportunity to get experience, how does one get the experience. It is a challenge. I would definitely encourage you to try and find a job as soon as possible, because the longer you are out of school......and not involved in working in a health care setting, your credentials won't look as good on paper as someone who doesn't have a large gap from the time they graduated from a program until they actually were applying for a particular position. They may wonder about the "Gap".
Good luck!
Go to an employment or temp agency they'll help you!
Apply everywhere, not just to hospitals.