I can lose 7-10 pounds a week?

I'm an elite athlete (swimmer) and I swim 4 hours a day (2 hours in the morning, 2 at night). Recently I got mono and sat around doing nothing but sleeping for 2 months. When I started feeling better I started exercising. I did a 20 min run with some various forms of strength training, and pilates to work on my flexibility. In all, I did about 45-60 mins a day. Nothing to the level that I am used to doing. I had gained about 13 pounds from doing nothing and I ate some junk food because it was around Christmas. I only weighed about 130 before I got mono, but I went up to 143ish after mono. I'm 5'10.

I know I have an excellent metabolism because 130 was always my highest weight. I felt kinda gross and unfit afterwards so I decided to lose the weight I had gained. I did the above workout, and ate 3-6 healthy meals a day. In the morning I had yogurt and fruit, for lunch I had a greek or garden salad, and for supper I had something with meat and veggies and a few carbs (not too many carbs to make me gain weight). When I swam I needed at least 3000-3500 cals to keep my body fueled so that I wouldn't lose weight. Now that I'm eating less I guess my metabolism is kicking right in. I try to eat 1500 cals a day. However I'm losing weight really fast. My body already looks super skinny again. In one week I went from 143 to 135. Is that normal? Do I just have a really good metabolism?

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