please don't blame me, i was drunk, i can't even remember half of it
will she get pregnant? 3 of my best friends used the same condom so even if she does, i dont have to pay chld support now??? its been 12 hours, can she use plan B?
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what the ****.
#2 plan B works for up to 72 hours after, so yes!!! Use Plan B!!!
#3 just because you don't know who's baby it would be doesn't mean you'll be left without blame, its really easy to get a dna test and whoevers child it is will still have to pay...although even if its not yours, if the court finds out its your fault you still might have to instead...
your village called, they are looking for their idiot.
you re-used a condom?
What did do, tell her it was the new green kind, turn it inside out and shake the fcuk out it?
Not only will you have to pay child support because you were the dumb Shot who put the sperm in her (yours and every one Else's), you could go to jail if any one of the boys before you had any diseases...
my god, I thought I had seen the lowest forms of life until you. you dumb ****. I hope plan B is a shotgun to your nuts. Re-using a condum.... what the hell were you thinking!
You must be some sort of nut case who poses stupind questions to see how many normal people will answer. either way, you are a drain on society.
She should get tested for any STD's... make sure you tell her to get checked. This is very important and unsafe. Do a pregnancy test, usually when sperm hits oxygen they die. But you never want to be unsafe. Do a pregnancy test. And you CAN get plan B for her, of course, if it has only been 12 hours. You can take plan B up to 72 hours. But go and take it NOW! Just to be on the safe side. Good Luck!
First of all if you get her pregnant it is your fault, because if was your choice to drink and your choice to have sex, Chances are you didn't get her pregnant but if you want to be extra sure have her to the morning after pill. Yes now is a good time to give it to her.
Okay that's disgusting, and why would she let you even do that to her in the first place? Ya'll trying to catch diseases? Ew, but yeah, do the plan b. You still sound drunk typing this. (pay child support) ha.
Who would use a used condom? Did they use the condom with her or other girls? and how did you get that "stuff" in her from the condom?
Sorry but everyone who does stupid things like this is to blame... you all.
You can have fun, you can have groupsex if you want but dont say that it was the alcohol...
well if she does end up pregnant you would have to pay child support when the child is born.
you can use plan B within 72 hours, better do it NOW
Ugh,disgusting! Drinking doesnt get you mad, it gets you drunk. Share a condom? Share your girlfriend? Empty sperms into your girlfriend? REALLY? You know what?Have a good day!******
Wow, you're truthfully screwed. But, plan B pill is effective within 24 hours of unprotected sex. So, give it a try.
You and your three best friends used the same condom on your girlfriend?
Yeah, she can still use the morning after pill.
But, then get her sterilized.
"***** don't need to be havin no babies!"