I did not, could not, make these up. I was going to just cut and paste them from a previous Yahoo question, but some were R17, so I didn't include them. The original question is referenced below.
1.Kiss a given person for a given amount of time (ex. kiss for 2 minutes w/ tongue)
2.Find something edible in the kitchen for the person to eat that isn't meant to be eaten straight (ketchup, salt, flour, ...)
3.Have your victim run around outside screaming something totally inane. An example being have I guy go chanting "I am woman, hear me roar!"
4.Dare a guy to put on full woman's makeup or let the girls do it.
5.Go out on your porch and sing the "I'm a Little Teapot" song.
6.Get a guy to go out into a public area scratching their crotch and saying, "Damn these crabs really itch!"
7.Dare a male player to let all the girl players remove his shoes and socks so they can paint his toes with nail polish. He must remain barefoot until the game is over and hope he hasn't lost his shoes and socks while playing.
8.Have a person smear jelly in one armpit and peanut butter in the other armpit. Then they must take two slices of bread and wipe it off. Then they have to eat the sandwich!
9.Eat a piece of food (such as a grape or whip cream) off someone of the opposite gender's tongue.
10. Push a penny around the toilet seat with your tongue.
11. Have a guy make-out with a pillow or teddy bear for a certain amount of time, have him say the girls name he likes and make kissing noises.
12. Have a guy put on a bra stuffed with socks and walk around in it pretending he is a female, his idea of a female!
13. The person being dared must pick a guy and that guy must do that girls makeup with a blindfold on.
14. Have a guy kiss every girl, and then tell who has the worst and/or best breath.
15. Have the “daree” drink a can or two of their preferred soda pop. Have the game continue, but remind the person to tell everybody when they have to pee. Make that person hold in their piss until they're begging you to let them go to the bathroom
16. Do a cart wheel naked.
17. Play one round in your underwear.
26. Feel someone else's boobs. If you are a girl you cannot touch your own.
27. Select someone to switch underwear with. You must play one round wearing the other person's underwear.
28. Dive in a pool naked or run through a sprinkler naked.
29. Blindfold the person and make them kiss three things. Do not tell them what they are.
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I did not, could not, make these up. I was going to just cut and paste them from a previous Yahoo question, but some were R17, so I didn't include them. The original question is referenced below.
1.Kiss a given person for a given amount of time (ex. kiss for 2 minutes w/ tongue)
2.Find something edible in the kitchen for the person to eat that isn't meant to be eaten straight (ketchup, salt, flour, ...)
3.Have your victim run around outside screaming something totally inane. An example being have I guy go chanting "I am woman, hear me roar!"
4.Dare a guy to put on full woman's makeup or let the girls do it.
5.Go out on your porch and sing the "I'm a Little Teapot" song.
6.Get a guy to go out into a public area scratching their crotch and saying, "Damn these crabs really itch!"
7.Dare a male player to let all the girl players remove his shoes and socks so they can paint his toes with nail polish. He must remain barefoot until the game is over and hope he hasn't lost his shoes and socks while playing.
8.Have a person smear jelly in one armpit and peanut butter in the other armpit. Then they must take two slices of bread and wipe it off. Then they have to eat the sandwich!
9.Eat a piece of food (such as a grape or whip cream) off someone of the opposite gender's tongue.
10. Push a penny around the toilet seat with your tongue.
11. Have a guy make-out with a pillow or teddy bear for a certain amount of time, have him say the girls name he likes and make kissing noises.
12. Have a guy put on a bra stuffed with socks and walk around in it pretending he is a female, his idea of a female!
13. The person being dared must pick a guy and that guy must do that girls makeup with a blindfold on.
14. Have a guy kiss every girl, and then tell who has the worst and/or best breath.
15. Have the “daree” drink a can or two of their preferred soda pop. Have the game continue, but remind the person to tell everybody when they have to pee. Make that person hold in their piss until they're begging you to let them go to the bathroom
16. Do a cart wheel naked.
17. Play one round in your underwear.
26. Feel someone else's boobs. If you are a girl you cannot touch your own.
27. Select someone to switch underwear with. You must play one round wearing the other person's underwear.
28. Dive in a pool naked or run through a sprinkler naked.
29. Blindfold the person and make them kiss three things. Do not tell them what they are.
I really can't endorse these!
Enjoy 2012.
dare: take the cinnamon test :P
dare:prank call someone?