Consciousness has nothing to do with quantum mechanics, don't watch youtube videos about quantum mechanics unless they're made by someone who properly understands QM. A lot of people get the wrong idea about QM by reading some article written by someone who's never learned quantum mechanics properly.
We can't measure a quantum system without interfering with it in some way. Measurement usually involves hitting the particle with a photon or putting a molecule somewhere in the path of the particle to see if the particle hits the molecule or something. When this happens, what you're really doing is mixing two systems together, and this screws up the entire experiment.
The quantum object will be in a superposition of states before observation. This means that it's in all possible states at once. Upon observation, you mix two systems together and this causes the quantum state to collapse into an eigenstate (ie, a state that is distinguishable from other states instead of being in a superposition).
So the fact that you change the particle's behavior upon observation has nothing to do with consciousness, it's because you need to mix two systems together to observe it, and that screws up the quantum state and causes it to collapse into an eigenstate. You can even use the Schrodinger equation to mathematically describe this process.
I think this question harkens back to the Big Bang Theory. You should google it and read up on the material.... Also be aware that Quantum Mechanics has several competing interpretations, none of which thus far have been proved or disproved in a strict sense.
there are a number of names you are able to decide on between: God, Divine Being, common strategies, Cosmic understanding, infinite Presence - all of it contains the comparable interior the tip. The common strategies is the source of all. we don't comprehend what this is yet all of us comprehend "that this is"! To type a concept of God could purely be turning out to be a picture interior the strategies, and the Cosmic strategies is previous strategies using fact this is undying and spaceless, eternal and infinite. you have a centre of understanding, you're unsleeping of a few thing as being "you" and in case you provide it some extreme concept you will comprehend that your understanding is unchanging, everpresent, and could stay to tell the tale while all else fades away. you will nonetheless be "you" in the time of eternity. Now, what's that this "you"? this is not your physique or your strategies, neither is it your 'character' of likes and dislikes, your reports, etc. you notice here that we are peeling away the layers which conceal up the considered necessary essence of your livingness. you're alive, unsleeping, eternal. The Cosmic strategies created the universe out of its own substance using fact this is all there is, IT being common. there is nowhere the place this is not. And this common understanding has been individualized in us as this is our centre of understanding. ALL IS strategies. ALL IS GOD.
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Consciousness has nothing to do with quantum mechanics, don't watch youtube videos about quantum mechanics unless they're made by someone who properly understands QM. A lot of people get the wrong idea about QM by reading some article written by someone who's never learned quantum mechanics properly.
We can't measure a quantum system without interfering with it in some way. Measurement usually involves hitting the particle with a photon or putting a molecule somewhere in the path of the particle to see if the particle hits the molecule or something. When this happens, what you're really doing is mixing two systems together, and this screws up the entire experiment.
The quantum object will be in a superposition of states before observation. This means that it's in all possible states at once. Upon observation, you mix two systems together and this causes the quantum state to collapse into an eigenstate (ie, a state that is distinguishable from other states instead of being in a superposition).
So the fact that you change the particle's behavior upon observation has nothing to do with consciousness, it's because you need to mix two systems together to observe it, and that screws up the quantum state and causes it to collapse into an eigenstate. You can even use the Schrodinger equation to mathematically describe this process.
I think this question harkens back to the Big Bang Theory. You should google it and read up on the material.... Also be aware that Quantum Mechanics has several competing interpretations, none of which thus far have been proved or disproved in a strict sense.
there are a number of names you are able to decide on between: God, Divine Being, common strategies, Cosmic understanding, infinite Presence - all of it contains the comparable interior the tip. The common strategies is the source of all. we don't comprehend what this is yet all of us comprehend "that this is"! To type a concept of God could purely be turning out to be a picture interior the strategies, and the Cosmic strategies is previous strategies using fact this is undying and spaceless, eternal and infinite. you have a centre of understanding, you're unsleeping of a few thing as being "you" and in case you provide it some extreme concept you will comprehend that your understanding is unchanging, everpresent, and could stay to tell the tale while all else fades away. you will nonetheless be "you" in the time of eternity. Now, what's that this "you"? this is not your physique or your strategies, neither is it your 'character' of likes and dislikes, your reports, etc. you notice here that we are peeling away the layers which conceal up the considered necessary essence of your livingness. you're alive, unsleeping, eternal. The Cosmic strategies created the universe out of its own substance using fact this is all there is, IT being common. there is nowhere the place this is not. And this common understanding has been individualized in us as this is our centre of understanding. ALL IS strategies. ALL IS GOD.
"If consciousness creates reality, as quantum theory implies..."
A little knowledge is worse than nothing.
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