Mexico's former president says the walls "must be demolished" because they are "discriminatory" and "against freedom."
Illegal aliens kill 9,000 Americans yearly says a congressional report. Also, Mexico has effectively declared war on the U.S by saying it would not stop illegal aliens from invading the U.S..
Mexican illegal aliens are clearly enemy combatants under U.S. laws.
Update:To Cathy E.: Illegal aliens commit more crime than the average American. Violent crime is on the rise in the U.S. because of illegal aliens.
FBI: Robbery offenses increased 9.7 percent. Murder offenses increased 1.4 percent. Aggravated assaults increased 1.2 percent. FBI website:
Vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police:
"They were arrested for a total of about 700,000 criminal offenses, averaging about 13 offenses per illegal alien. One arrest incident may include multiple offenses, a fact that explains why there are nearly one and half times more offenses than arrests. Almost all of these illegal aliens were arrested for more than 1 offense. Slightly more than half of the 55,322 illegal aliens had between 2 and 10 offenses
Update 3:To MinuteWoman: I agree. Illegal aliens will run back to Mexico with their tales between their legs after they shoot and rape Americans.
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Answers & Comments
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Yes, they are.... We are fighting an invasion with the help of Americans collaborators and that's very bad. Because is an invasions then we could consider them enemy combatants, any invasion is an act of war.
The fact is coming into the USA illegally is a criminal offense,if your caught breaking another law that's your second strike.Maybe we should give Alcatraz a makeover and find some more isolated places to hold the worse of the worst until they finally get the message,actions speak louder than words,this is an invasion of our country they are the enemy!
NO you confuse the rule of engagement (combat) with illegal immigration, if you commit a crime ,does the Police categorize you as an enemy combatant?? NO ,you are an offender. And what U.S. law are you referring to? You have only satisics ,but no case they are combatants , They are illegals ,that makes them offenders!! some made the comment that U.S. citizens don't run to Mexico when they commit a crime , YES they do ,not only to Mex. but to Canada ,and anywhere esle they can ILLEGALY.
Yes I believe that! And yes alot of the people hate America and anything that they can do to go against it they will do it. This is the only country that they are able to do it, anywhere else they would Disappear.
The image of the hard working gardener is a thing of the past, it's more like the old westerns, lying around with their hats pulled over their eyes sleeping. Just now they are handing out little baggies with drugs and God knows what they have under that poncho.
No, I do not believe illegal aliens are enemy combatants. They are criminals selling horrible drugs in some instances, but in more they are destitute people willing to break our laws and push their way to a better life. This doesn't make what they are doing right. They are wrong to do this, because they take everything they can get here, like free school meals, food stamps, free medical, etc, and then send their money back to Mexico or other S. American country. They don't care that they are doing this on the backs of the US taxpayer. They don't want to learn English and try to insist we speak Spanish. After they have been here awhile, they become rude and more pushy, and protest their "rights" while waving their Mexican flag. This is so wrong.
No, maybe some are not what you call "ideal", but NO they are not all Enemy Combatants, whatever the heck you mean by that! If you want a war with Mexico, you have a lot to lose. If the government really wanted to "fix" this problem, they just have to really enforce the existing laws. No need to call these people criminals and crap. You're just hating. People that will give me thumbs down are just thinking with their hearts, not their brains. FACTS ARE FACTS. The USA needs to be friends with Mexico.
Americans cannot flee to Mexico to avoid any charges being brought against them much like the Mexicans can.
IF you believe what you write then you must hate Bush because he wants to give the 12 million people living in the US illegally a path to citizenship. he also wants to open the boarders to guest workers to benefit corporations with access to cheep labor. I am with you, lets get rid of the decider.
Bush and ignorant drunk drivers are enemy combatants. Laura Bush needs to be brought to justice for her killing of a child while being extremelty drunk and driving. Bush Jr. needs to pay for his crimes against humanity in Iraq and Afganistan. It is the only way to teach other countries about true American justice and freedom.
America and the world is disgusted by you.
Have a nice day.