im a 14 year old girl and im extremaly depressed and think about suicide,i dont even have any friends.. all i do is sit in my bed room and cry all the time .my parents ignore me,when they do talk to me they are screaming at me. i want to talk to them so badly but they never have time to talk because they are always watching tv or they are tierd. im really scared to talk to them about this so i was just wandering if there is anyway i can bring it up easierr or give them hints that i need help? please help me
thank you
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Most teenagers go through this. It could just be a phase, but if you have a chain of depression in yr family health history, I would talk to them.
Well, Id talk to them any way. You should just sit them down and talk to them about it. I know its easier said than done, but it should be done.
Get their attention away from the TV, and if they are too tired to listen to you, then they shouldn't have had a child. Yr parents probably love you to the utmost extreme, but maybe they think that since yr a teenager, you don't want their help. Let them know you need it and growing up as a teenager will be a lot easier :)
Like a lot of people have said up there, if they just will not listen, there are other people out there that will. This website might be able to help you, if you need any further help, or just to rant to someone:
No matter what age you are and no matter who you tell you need to talk to somebody. Trust me I know. The longer you bottle it up the more you will be thinking these thoughts until god forbid you actually try to go through with it. Hun... I have been in the worst situations you can imagine and thought the same things, so don't think its not normal. I am so glad now that I have moved on past it, and that I did not give into weakness. I can't imagine what devastation I would have cause the people I was close to... If you want to talk to your parents I think this would defintely cause them too pay attention. If not they are total morons, and you should find someone else to talk to, perhaps a guidance counselor at your school? Just realize hun that you create every day of your life, and any situation you feel is dragging you down is up to you to change. Love life sugar, it gets better when its unexpected, and just sometimes it has to be a struggle to really enjoy the outcome in the end.
Aw hun.
Okay, suicide is NOT the answer. There's too much ahead of you for you to give up just because your teenage life isn't going so well. Love, marriage, jobs, friends, kids... retirement! C'mon, every one wants to grow old and buy a super big motorhome and drive it across the country and never turn back.
I'm really sorry to hear that you're not doing so well right now. I'm 18, and I made it through all that teenage stuff and ya, a lot of it isnt fun and you DO go through spots where you question yourself and your mere existence. Let me tell you, it gets better. It really does. Right now, I'm stuck at home all day because all of my friens moved away to go to university and i litterally have no one to talk to anymore. They've all found new people in their lives, and it sucks. But, what keeps me going is to know that i WILL move on to better things soon and forget that i'm not doing so well without my friend here with me. Hang in there hun, it gets better. Only if you let it happen though.
AS for your parents, just walk into the room wherever they are, and straight up tell them "Mom, dad... I need to talk to you." They'll listen. Why wouldnt' they? If they say they're too tired, say "I know you're tired, but I need to talk to you. This isn't something we should be putting off."
Once you have them sitting down, tell them everything. Your feelings about them and how they're never there for you, how you claim to have no friends, how you're depressed and thoughts of suicide are always on your mind. They're you parents. They dont want to see you go, even if they yell at you all the time. I know you'll probably cry. Dont fight it, just cry. I dont know what else to say. You need to take your parents aside and tell them all of this. There's no easy way to do it.
Good luck!
Oh, it's not unusual for pre-teens to think this way.. My friends used to feel the same way.. They would always go, I wanna die. My life is miserable, but there are people who has lives that are worst than yours. There are a lot of them thinking this way, but think about it. Your mom went through months of pain just to bring you to life, she took care of you and did all those work for you. Do you want to leave her that easily? Just express your feelings by doing something else.. like drawing, write music (if you play an instrument), etc. Don't give on life that easily.. As a matter of fact I've thought about it too, but I don't think it's worth it.. So do not do anything foolish. Please.
And about your parents, just ask them if you guys can talk. Tell them how you feel, and what you are going through.
Having no friends at this age isn't a big deal at all. I used to have a bunch of friends in elementary, and lost them all in intermediate. Just go through the weeks and eventually I find a friend. The schedule is horrible, you must go to different classes every period so that explains the 'no friends' problem. You might not be in the same classes with your friends.
Don't give up on life. You have a long way to go and a bright future. There are a lot of things to discover in this world, so live and explore.
Talk to an adult. Someone you trust.
Good Luck with everything and feel better.
P.S. I'm not saying you have to, but you can message me if anymore problems occur. I'll try to be 100% help. I promise.
ALSO, get that suicide idea off your mind. You'll feel better =)
I know how you feel, many people has been there before, but live your life. You've been blessed to be alive, have eyes, hands, walk, be a normal person. So you shouldn't be giving up on your life.
My advice to you is that there's hope out there youare young, you have your life ahead of you there are millions of opportunities out there for you don't give up on your dreams, just because you are depressed don't think about suicide cause you're way too important and smart to make a decision like that.
If you can't talk to your parents,try and find a family member, your school guidance counselor talk to them explain your situation they'll find a way to pull your parents attention by calling them and have a meeting where you can discuss your problem, or talk it over dinner whenever you guys have some time together like on the weekends or something. God is there and faithful, most of all pray that'll help you a lot. God bless! I hope your parents come through for you though.
You should try and find out why you feel this way. Is is because of you parents? or because you spend most of your time in yourself? or a mixture of them both? I think that you should tell your parents that you are feeling really down all the time and that you need some help to make yourself feel better. You should visit your doctor because real depression needs medication and you should enroll in some club and after school activities to try and find friends and get you out of the house for a while. Tell your parents as soon as possible and get yourself help. There are also help lines and websites that you could have a look at. Good Luck x
After reading the responses they're people who care about you, although they don't even know you. There are some loving people in this world and taking your life is missing the opportunity to receive that love. Suicide is definitely not the answer, life doesn't end after death, everybody is going to spend eternity somewhere, either heaven or hell. Suicide is an automatic entrance to hell. That's much, much worse than life on earth. Hell is forever, things that we go through now are temporary, it's subject to change. God created everyone with a purpose, and taking your on life will abort your destiny, and purpose. Depression is a spirit, you need to talk to a spiritual leader, if you don't want to talk face to face to your parents write a letter, express how you feel and put it on their pillow. There's always someone to talk to. You need to know that God loves you and He's there to help you, cry out to Him, and He will hear you. Don't listen to those negative thoughts in your head, replace those thoughts with the word of God. I shall not die, but live and declare the works of the Lord....Psalms 118:17
Well, when I was not allowed to associate myself with my friends for a while, instead of sitting in the house going on the internet I road my bike a lot, to the stores (just walked around and looked, especially at the pet store) or around my neighborhood.
Maybe you can write them a note explaining you want to talk to them about something serious, leave the note in their room (where you know they will see it) and see if they respond.
If not I would think that you are more important then their t.v. even though work is stressful and you just feel like coming home and relaxing. I would sit next to them and talk about how you feel.
Girl you are fourteen. You are missing out. Please dont be suicidal. I know i have no right but think about this. Your life was given to you by god and only he has the right to take it away from you. What do you think will happen if you commit suicide? You think god almighty would be generous to you? no! For example would be lets say you made the best cookies ever and when you went to wash your hands your lil brother ruined them all. Would you be happy? Now think .... And i feel really really sad for you.. Your parents might be busy but they should find time for you. its unfortunate but guess what? This will make you stronger. Within couple of years you have to start living your life without the aid of your parents. I am not saying that you shouldnt give up or not talk to your parents. I am saying is everything will work out just fine.. Please keep your head up and please talk to your parents and be friendly with them . When the time is right let them know your problems.....
People have a tendency to get comfortable in the their lifestyle - that sounds like what is happening with your rents... You may need to be a little more blunt with them... Stand in front of the TV and tell them that you NEED to TALK! If they don't listen call 911... or a local suicide hotline and tell them that you are having thoughts and need to talk to your rents and they won't listen... sometimes they will come to your house and have a face to face - your rents will probly listen then!
I hope that you just need an ear... and should to cry and do not end your life! You have so much ahead of you and life can change in an instant...
Best of luck!!!