i have been so upset latley with my life i feel like i have nothing left to live for. i see nothing in my future .. and i find nothing enjoyable , i am running out of fun amusing things to do so i just sit down and i think about all the bad things that have happened to me :(..
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You may have seen me answer this before but every word of it is true and heart felt. I tried to kill myself at 16. I failed (obviously) but I have done so much since then. I have two children and a new grandchild (girl) none of them would be alive if I succeeded. I have been to 24 foreign countries and seen so many beautiful places and met so many great people. When you start enjoying life regardless of all its up and downs you do decide when to die. The very last minute possible.... Yes there are sorrowful times, sad times and depressing times but I can tell you first hand everything changes and before you know it life is lived and you wish you had it back. You could not tell me that (or anything for that matter) 36 years ago and I am sure you are having trouble believing me now. But I got my philosophy of life from a tomb stone. It said "Where you are now I once was. Where I am now you will someday be." and I say that to you now. I was where you are and felt hopeless but now I know it wasn't and you shall someday be where I am now. So believe the same for yourself because you are worth more to the future of this world than you can imagine. What if you find the cure for AIDS or cancer when you grow up? What if you save someone’s life or inspire someone to be president of the United States? What if someday you are looking into the face of your grandchildren and they smile at you? I had no clue at 16 but I knew I was miserable. That will eventually pass and life will be whatever you can make of it. The people of the future are waiting for you to help them, love them and care about them. Go fulfill your destiny and maybe someday you will be writing an email to someone saying just what I have.... I care about you and the people in your future.
If you put up a block in your mind to the bad things nothing left can come out but the good. Your mind is trying to depress you just take two minutes and try and think of just one thing thats good about your life. More will follow. We are all put on this earth for a reason and if you can learn to accpet that then you will be a happier person even if you dont know why you are here yet take peace in knowing that you are here for a reason and if you pray and embrace life then the reaosn will become clear to you soon enough. If you ever want someone to talk to feel free to msg me or contact a local help line...I dont know where you live so I can't reccomend any right now..or do you have any close friends or relatives that you can talk to. Maybe even a physciatrist. Good luck and God bless.
My Dear Melaniee, I can tell you suicide is never the answer, take it from someone who has tried to end there life. If you really feel the way you do I urge you to talk to someone you trust, like a parent, friend, grandparent etc. There are many people out there that want to help you but how can they if you don't ask for that help. Trust me I have had a real terrible past I have been trying to work through it all for years and I am finally getting stronger each day and so can you. If you are under 16 than I would advise you to call Childline if you feel you can't talk to anyone else this will all be in confidence and confidential you can call them on 0800 1111. This won't show up on your home phone bill so no one need ever know that you have called them or there is all so the Samaritans on 08457 909090 if you are living in the UK. You can feel free to email me on [email protected] or [email protected], any time if you just need someone to talk to. Try and keep your chin up girl and let me know how you get on. Good luck hun and take care x
A lot of bad things happen to people. Life is a test. There are going to be times when you are not going to like the way things turn out. If you were going to have an enjoyable time constantly and be happy all the time you wouldn't be here, you are mistaking that with Paradise. I have a lot of issues to deal with but I don't want to take my life. I don't have a lot of fun either because I am not "wild" enough for my classmates. Becuase I am simple. But just because I am not always happy does not mean I want to end my life. Taking your own life means you failed the test of life. Just try not to think about whatever is bothering you and just think of what you can do to make your life better. Don't take your life, it is not the right thing to do and never will be. Be strong and be patient and then maybe one day you will get to experience Paradise.
You know sometimes in life when you feel like this it's best to relive your life and think about those who love and care for u and you would know that there really is something or someone to live for , another thing is things will get better and life is not always fun you have to make your own fun because you know what type of fun you like so enjoy life and stop being suicidal also if you are a christian then I want want you to read your Bible.God bless you
Everybody gets depressed and feels suicidal at least once in their life. I have been through it. I found that depression is "anger turned in". You have to express this anger, especially if you've had bad things happen to you. Some find that physical exercise such as working out or sports to be a good release. I found that writing lyrics is great therapy. You will get over it, but you will have to work at it. Tell your parents how you feel. They have probably been through it themselves (whether or not they would admit it). Don't feel that you are a burden on them, responsibility comes with the job. You will become happy and successful, but it will take time. Life is a long road. Don't forget to enjoy the ride!
You need to see your doctor. Suicide is not the answer to anything, you're a long time dead.
I have suffered very badly with depression, I know what you are going through. When I look back at my life I wonder how I ever got through it, but you do and things do get better.
Please don't do anything to harm yourself, get help from your GP or call a helpline. If you are in the UK you can call samaritans on 08457 90 90 90. This is free and confidential support.
Of all the bad things you have gone through you have made it, you can make it through this too.
Take care xx
You have everything to live for . . . the future has much to look forward to.
I would suggest instead of just sitting down and thinking about all the bad things, sit down and make a conscious effort to think of the good things . . . better still, get out a pencil and paper and write those good things down. Large or small, note the good things and you will find they far outweigh and outnumber the bad.
Do few things to avoid suicidal thoughts.
* CONTACT a suicide prevention or crisis center or trusted friend, family member social worker, medical professional or rabbi, priest or minister and
* TALK They will not think something is wrong with you or that you are "weird" or "crazy".
* SHARE your suicidal thoughts and feelings, fears, anger, disappointment and sorrow.
* BE ACTIVE Go for a walk and get some exercise. Often depressing and suicidal thoughts and feelings fade when something or someone else stimulates us.
* DO SOMETHING - anything. It does not have to be a HUGE project - but a little project LIKE TIDYING UP a counter or small cupboard. Remember to PRAISE YOURSELF for the work you have done.
* START A CREATIVE PROJECT in art, gardening, music, crafts, writing etc. Don't worry if your project is not a masterpiece. Many people have found when they are working on creative projects, they forget their painful suffering.
* Find someone or an animal or plant who could USE YOUR LOVE AND CARE.
* REMEMBER that along with your suicidal thoughts and feelings You are having other thoughts and feelings which are not suicidal.
* LISTEN to your thoughts and feelings without analyzing them, letting them come and go WITHOUT dwelling on them.
* IDENTIFY and ACKNOWLEDGE. other thoughts and feeling which are not suicidal.
* REMEMBER that you have experienced times in your life when you did not have suicidal thoughts and feelings because you were not depressed but were hopeful at the time.
* REMEMBER times in which you may have felt strong suicidal thoughts and feelings that eventually passed into times of other thoughts and feelings which were not depressing but WERE HOPEFUL and you were able to look forward.
* ACKNOWLEDGE for yourself that having suicidal thoughts in the midst of other thoughts is emotionally draining and that you have shown incredible strength in remaining alive and staying alive in spite of the powerful suicidal thoughts and feelings that you may have.
* In the same way that you do not believe or act upon all the thoughts and feelings that you may have, REMEMBER that just because you may have a suicidal thought or feeling, you do not have to believe or act upon the thought or feeling.
I used to feel like this but I never had the guts to go through with it. You need to find a reason to stay alive, find a hobby, hang out with friends or make more. Go to your doctor if you can cos sometimes they can put you on a programme or give you counselling for free, but in my opinion pills don't really help because evrything starts up again when you come off them.
If there's a specific root you have to do everything to target it.
Even if you don't enjoy things anymore try and do them anyway because it keeps your mind more occupied.
Get well soon xx