I'm new to the Twilight series and I'm only about 1/4 of the way through the first book. I really like the plot, but I'm having trouble buying Bella's character. She is supposedly suppose to be very mature (like helping her mom keep up with things, cooking for her dad, ditching school dances). If all that is true, why does she act like a dramatic kid with Edward? It drives me nuts. If she is so mature, then she would take his picking at her with face value and just realize it's flirting rather than storming off and slamming doors. I was just curious to see if anybody else had noticed that too??? Also, thanks in advance for your answers, but no spoilers please.
Update:mt_everest37, I have rationalized her looks the same way you have and that makes sense. However, when you look at it that way (and this is completely my opinion) why did they choose such a homely looking girl to play her in the movie? That's another thing that bugs me about it. Anyway, like I said the plot seems decent so I look forward to finishing the book=D
Update 3:Gees, Lil Miss, sorry...I'm actually completely new to it, so I just had a few questions and yes, slamming doors and stomping off is very immature....and she doesn't know that Edward is a vampire at this point.
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First of all I'm not hoping for a best answer here I just wanted to join in this wonderful discussion :D I thought I was the only one who disliked Bella's character.
[ By the way, isn't interesting that the most of (or almost everyone) who answered your question under the entertainment section are really pro Bella? and most who answered here agree with you that Bella is a total contradiction? ]
Since most of my points have already been well discussed by everyone I shall just skip them to save space and so you won't have to drudge through them.
First (being a Kristen Stewart fan) I feel that I have an obligation to say that she is in fact absolutely gorgeous and a potentially great actress. She had to put on brown contact lenses to play Bella because her eyes are in fact blue.
About Bella's attractiveness:
As mentioned by almost everyone else before me, Bella unwittingly attracts much male attention when she arrives in Forks even though she proclaims herself as being 'average'.
A possible reason for this:
She is a novelty in a town which doesn't have much human traffic and where the town's population (not to mention the school's) is really small and close knit.
If you read on, most of the guys move on and only Mike truly seems to harbour a crush on her.
About Bella-Sue:
It seemed to me that Bella IS kind of a fantasy of Stephanie Meyer's. I mean, come on, a girl being fought over by a werewolf (shape-shifter or something) and a vampire. It's practically every girl (who's read werewolf/vampire books) 's daydream.
What bugs me is that though Stephanie Meyer seems to WANT to portray Bella as being so wonderfully average while at the same time exceptionally MATURE (had to take care of herself + mum etc), a contradiction in itself, Bella came across (to me) as being self-centered and proud.
1) She never really made an effort to befriend anyone in Forks, even though she's supposed to be so mature in that she moved there to give her mum a chance to enjoy her marriage.
2) She kinda mocked and condescended the kids in school even though most went out of their way to make her feel welcome.
3) The only couple of people she seems to respect or not look down on are Edward and Jacob (Mostly in New Moon). Who happen to be the two hot supernatural dudes who fight over her.
4) She only stopped being condescending towards Jacob when he was turning into a hottie and only saw him as a source of information before that.
That said, the twilight saga is truly interesting (i'm still looking for a copy of Eclipse having just finished reading New Moon).
A word of warning though:
Bella's character doesn't improve in New Moon. She was fairly likable in Twilight but I would go so far as to say that New Moon truly sealed her fate as a Mary Sue.
" She is supposedly suppose to be very mature (like helping her mom keep up with things, cooking for her dad, ditching school dances). If all that is true, why does she act like a dramatic kid with Edward? It drives me nuts. "
I know!, Edward can do way better.
He would totally dump Bella if he can read her mind, cause he'd be annoyed the whole time.
My opinion on the book:
I used to think Twilight was the best, until I read the last chapters when the "bad guys" start coming. It feels like she just rushed it and just put in those last few chapters to have a problem in the book. I don't know...
Same goes with all the other books, especially Breaking Dawn.
I'm back to Harry Potter now.
Ugh I totally agree with everybody who is sick of this series. I read it befor it was popular at all, back when their was only Twilight on the shelves. Then when it became all insane popular then I started to hate the series more and more, especially Bella's character. She's suposed to be this normal girl that every girl can relate to, instead her character is totally unreal. Even though she's describe as average looking she still has every guy in the school pineing for her. Fantasy. She's suposed to be really smart but what kind of intelegent normal person does half the things she does and jumps in the line of fire as mine times as she does. Zero intelegence. Meyer has created a character that SHE thought was ideal. A girl who was pure and average but still had every guy at her doorstep and every girl enveying her. Bella is spoiled plain and simple. She gets EVERYTHING she wants. Brat. Most of this is proven in Meyers crack pot Breaking Dawn but because your only a 1/4 done with Twilight then I won't get into it. Lets just say that the contridictions grow stronger as the series goes on.
Omg i am sick of twilight already.
Bella says she isnt pretty but thats because she doesnt see herself that way. Obviously everyone else does. She doesnt see herself clearly. Is quite common.
Bella is more mature than you think. She does cook, she does all her school work, she has a job and she always puts everyone else first. She isnt over dramatic...Edward is a freaking vampire! Have you not grasped that small detail yet?
The plot is good but twilight is all anyone talks about which means i now hate anything to do with it.
Its a good read yes but not now that it is overworked. I dont get how ppl dont get it. Its quite simple
The series is riddled with inconsistencies.
Bella's supposed to be average, yet she attracts everybody.
Bella's supposed to be smart, yet she walks knowingly into danger.
Bella's supposed to be mature, yet she behaves like a drama queen.
Bella's supposed to be perceptive, yet she can't connect with Edward.
Bella's supposed to be strong, yet she can't stay away from danger.
Bella's supposed to be independent, yet she has no life but Edward.
I could go on, but you see the picture by now...(hopefully)
Isabella Marie Swan is screaming MARY SUE!!!!!
You are only 1/4 done Twilight? Wow...yeah. If you choose to continue with the torture (which I hope you don't), you'll notice a TON more inconsistencies. If this is bad, then wait until you see what lies ahead for you. I still don't understand how so many people ACTUALLY look UP to this girl. She is an idiot.
~Zara Sahana
i think this book all depends what age you are.
its for teenage girls. And sometimes older people
read twilight, which brings up all these topics.
Most teenage girls don't over look that kind of stuff.
And many teenage girls do act different around guys,
most certainly around they're first love.
Hmm...well it's been awhile since I've read it...but I don't recall feeling like she was being too immature...I think it was just that Edward was getting to her...she couldn't figure him out...one minute he's saving her life...the next he's saying they shouldn't be friends....it drove her insane...not sure where 1/4 is so I don't want to say too much more...but I'm not sure I agree with what you're saying.
"Supposedly she's average looking...but all the guys fawn over her"
That's sort of explained...Bella is supposed to be average looking...at least that's how she feels she is compared to the people she grew up with in Phoenix...but she's good looking to the guys in Forks because it's an entirely different environment and they have different styles...So she is supposed to be a bit plain...but I think it's she's prettier than she gives herself credit for.
And maybe I can see some inconsistencies...I just overlook them and try to enjoy what I'm reading.
Yep. I noticed.
Bella's character is one huge inconsistency. She's a complete Mary Sue. Supposedly she's "shy", but then she's mean to everyone who tries to get to know her. Supposedly "no one understands her", but when people try to help, she won't let them. Supposedly she's "clumsy", but she's only clumsy when it's convenient for the plot. Supposedly she's "mature", but her actions throughout the series suggest just the opposite. Supposedly she's independent, yet she slings to Edward and literally cannot function without him. Supposedly she's intelligent, but I never got that impression throughout the series. Supposedly she's not good looking, but all the boys fawn over her.
Yeah. Like I said-- complete Mary Sue.
Well, she might be really mature, but she has no previous experiences with love or guys whatsoever. That might be it.
YEAH the book is confusing, but i love it. Im already by the thirdddd