Apparently, he has voted in favor of it three times.
Can you really believe in the sanctity of life and vote for this man?
Update:Did I say that I'm voting for McSame?
So, please don't assume.
Thanks :-D
BTW, There ARE more than 2 choices, if you care to take the time to research them.
Update 3:Just for the record, YES Obama DID support an infanticide bill, I thought that most people knew this, or I would have spelled it out for the obviously uninformed Obama supporters.
The bill was meant to legalize the termination/murder of the baby's that were born alive after pre-maturely induced labor. Oftentimes, these children, still alive, were either murdered outside of the womb,or forced to live out their remaining hours alive in a trash bin somewhere.
Update 5:Natasha: Are you saying that Obama doesn't read the bills that he votes on?
Or, do you think that he just doesn't fully understand them?
Either way, both qualities are equally dangerous in a leader of a country.
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Answers & Comments
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I do not believe that Obama supports infanticide. Simply put, the babies who survive abortions generally do not live. They die in excruciating pain at times. I have never read the bill that he voted against brought up in that video, but he may have had issues with the wording of the bill and all that it covered. I believe that Obama supports the woman's right to choose, but I do not believe he supports intentionally murdering babies. He has 2 daughters!
The nurse said that some babies live a few minutes to 8 hours. I agree that the way they treat these babies by leaving them alone to die is inhumane. However, if the baby only lives a few minutes, then it was destined to die anyway. For a baby to survive an abortion and live is rare. Furthermore, these types of abortions represent the smallest number of abortions. Abortion is a touchy subject, but I believe that we must separate our personal views from our political views. Personally I am pro-life because I believe in the sanctity of life. Politically, I am pro-choice because there are numerous social consequences if abortion were to be made illegal. Many babies would be born to unfit parent(s), more babies would be sent to foster homes/adoption agencies, and more women would perform abortions on themselves, which would lead to health issues for these women. At the forum with Rick Warren, he said there are 148 million orphans in the world. Obviously, sending unwanted babies to orphanages is not the answer. Obama is right when he talks about preventing unwanted pregnancies. That is the issue.
If Obama held the same views on abortion as I do, could he legitimately tell the American people? Or would Americans feel he is playing us because he could essentially side with pro-life or pro-choice supporters as the situation arose? People would not truly know where he stands. I am sure that abortion is a tough subject for him. After all, he does have 2 daughters of his own. My life was forever changed for the better when my daughters were born. Abortion is a tough subject, but we as a society need to think of the big picture.
I had a hard time with this and apparently it's like totally old news. The fact that it's not making headlines (only on FOX and well duh it's FOX) told me well there's more to it, I mean that is enough to destroy his campaign right (I think) and I didn't find anyone (even Obama supporter's here) giving me smart defenses so I asked around and looked it up myself. Apparently the first time it came up in Illinois the way the legislature was worded would have essentially barred abortion rights (which Obama is for). It is said that the first is not even discussed because they had to go change that one. A second one that had been amended was brought up and that also didn't sit well with Obama because it too would have gone against Rove vs. Wade. Now they made a third one, faxed it over to the National Senate in '02 which Obama wasn't a part of at that time. Of course they were going to encounter the likes of Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy so they had made all the necessary adjustments making sure they was a little clause in it stating that it wouldn't violate Rove vs. Wade. It passed unanimously and was signed into law by Bush.
Now think about it, would a man who they say is a baby killer run for office with this kind of background, I mean I don't think so. He would know this would be too damaging I think
2. He has stuck to his guns about it, didn't try to hide it or change it, said the same thing he said then. I would think that was honest
3. I hear the Illinois senate actually released a statement that clarified Obama's stance on the issue and has actually shown that the second and third amendments (like I said earlier the first isn't even discussed) were in fact different unlike the republicans would want you to believe. This statement I haven't found yet, still searching for it.
4. If it were true, why isn't John McCain dicing Obama up right now with this information? (some argue he's waiting for the general election to begin in earnest..well lets see...NOT)
U can research it urself (make up ur mind). There are a whole lot of other intricacies involved. The man did not and does not want to kill babies for God's sakes.
On the contrary...doesn't it show that he was even too concerned with the wording of the bill that he voted against it twice. Where do u come off saying he's not reading it when his whole defense is that he read it too closely???
yes Obama supports letting babies that survive an Abortion to be literally put on a shelf to die cold and alone , one of the hospitals that was snuffing the unwanted babies out was run by Obama's Church
but Obama is the Candidate that said he didn't want to punish a woman by making her have a baby if the pregnancy was unwanted.
You bet he does.
He had no problem calling N.R.L.C. lairs when they had the documented proof.
N.A.R.A.L. didn't protest the bill that if a baby is born alive after an abortion should be given medical treatment.
We have had a tough time drawing the line where life begins but most reasonable people agree once the baby starts to breath on its own that is line.
Yet Obama doesn't think so.
I have ask than would have a problem with a woman who has a baby than to throw into a dumpster?
What is the difference?
Obama is Pro-Abortion not Pro-Choice because the vast majority of Pro-Choice people can't accept to let a baby to die of neglect if that child is alive.
To Refolie: Once that child is outside of your body is no longer yours. Breathing on their own doesn't give you the right to kill the child.
He actually said on tape that an aborted baby who survives is a burden to the doctors. How could someone honestly think this way. I think it's just a lack of total understanding of whats at stake. Just more reason why he's way to inexperienced and unprepared to be President...
Hate to break it to you, LIFE IS GOOD, but Obama vetoed the bill that would have made it illegal to continue to kill a living fetus resultant from a botched abortion.
A child out of the womb.
An infant.
Perhaps you're the one that needs some remdial work in the dictionary department.
The truth is out there. And it's ugly. Perhaps that's why you choose to ignore it.
And to the simplistic moron who equated getting an abortion to getting a haircut: are you really that dense? That's got to be the worst analogy ever in the abortion debate. Let your hair grow down to your feet, it will never become a living being. Go ahead, tear it out by the roots. But to take a viable life out of convenience (and let's not kid ourselves, the majority of abortions are performed for convenience sake) is obscene at the least, and immoral at the worst.
Let's just keep devaluing human life, morals, civic duty, personal responsiblity, dignity, and faith and see where that gets America. Wait...too late. Here we are.
REFOLIE: Can we please move past the tired "a woman's right to do with her own body what she pleases" argument. It doesn't hold water. They're your veins. Do you have a right to fill 'em up with meth? It's your body, do you have the right not to strap it in to your seatbelt? There are a multitude of laws on the books regarding what you can and can't do with your own body.
Let's see...we've exposed two myths so far. Are we done here?
VIDEOGAMER: From your other posts out here, I know how much you hate to let facts get in the way, but I thought I'd pass along what Merriam-Webster has to say about infanticide.
Main Entry:
Late Latin infanticidium, from Latin infant-, infans + -i- + -cidium -cide
1: the killing of an infant
Did you notice that last part? AN INFANT? Not mass murder, friend, but the taking of a single life. Just as homicide doesn't require a concentration camp and suicide doesn't require Jonestown, infancticide doesn't require a baby-killing factory to qualify.
Again, I apologize for providing these pesky facts.
Really? All I've posted are facts. No personal observations. Rather like voting against gravity. Perhaps that's why your arguments float in the air, weightless and fluffy.
You wrote (and I'm cutting and pasting your exact words here) "Simply put, the babies who survive abortions generally do not live. They die in excruciating pain at times."
You then go on to defend Obama on this basis.
So maybe instead of gurneys and defib paddles, EMT's should carry nothing but handguns. "Hmm...Chet? This dude's been in a bad crash...not sure I can keep him alive long enough to get to the hospital. Can I borrow your .45? I left mine at home."
Nice try.
REFILOE: First, please excuse the misspelling. Second, please realize that my having an opinion doesn't constitute shoving anything down your throat. Last time I checked, we have abortion on demand in this country. Seems like it's your beliefs that are being foisted on me and others who feel the same as I do on this issue.
And the fact that abortion isn't a "happy experience" doesn't make it moral, dear. Quite the opposite, in my humble opinion.
Obama definitely has a dark evil side to him and his supporters that even remotely compare Obama's stance on abortion to the Iraq war are just as evil, the people in the military joined the service of their own free will, tell me where a baby has chosen to be aborted of its own free will. What amazes me even more is how many men don't see a problem with abortion, they evidently haven't had their child aborted without their approval, this argument that its the woman's body so she is the only one with rights is ridiculous, many people don't know that still in many states a man cannot have a vasectomy without his wife's written consent but she has the right to abort his child without his written consent, does that make any sense?
Obamas votes speak louder than his words. Obama is against "uncontrolled" pregnancies=he is very much like Hitler in this aspect. He certainly wouldn't want his daughters to be burdened with an unwanted pregnancy so Kill the baby. Kill. Kill. Kill.
Hey AL-sorry, your hair will never become a baby. Your hair is hair and a baby is a baby-get it?
let's hope obama wins over mccain.. help him out by voting for him on this page!
let's hope obama wins over mccain.. help him out by voting for him on this page!