My computer lost it's screen resolution during a NERO CD-RW Video CD burn, ever since I have been receiving an infinite loop error on a blue screen after a reboot. My computer monitor also says it is is safe mode. Basically I cannot get back to my desktop screen. How do I get rid of the infinite loop/this entire problem? I would like to know how I can fix this and get my computer working again. Thank you!!
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I think that that is some kind of driver issue, mine was THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER, does that look familiar?
Have you installed any new hardware lately with an installation CD that warned you of unsigned drivers? If so, and you remember wich one it was, you can use safe mode with networking to go online to manufacturer's website to acquire a driver that is Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Published. I'd recomend checking all your drivers to check if they are windows published.
I kind of had the same issue for about 4 months, Error reporting told me that it was My video device driver. It turned out to be the driver for my wireless adapter, it had issues with being compatible with SP2.
I have Nero but i have never had that problem, hope you find out what is wrong sorry i cant help!!