Iniesta vs Essien? complete player = better player?

who is the most complete player.

Inesta is obviosly the more technical player, he dribbles well, passes and shoots, he capitalizes in importnat games, he makes space for his teammates, and he rarely loses the ball. he can be found anywhere on the midfield, crucial for barcelona and spains possession game.creative too

Essien is obviosly the more physical player with unparallel stamina, fast, shoots, capitalizing in important games as well, he always completes passes (simple though), he almost always wins challenges, and he defends faultlessly but his best quality is his versatility, he has played sweeper, cb, rb, lb, dm, cm, rm, lm, second striker, everything..... chelsea need him, its been proven

so who is the most complete player? does that make him the better player? are there any players taht are more complete?

do you think that there could be a player that combines iniesta and essien? if there is, does he have a name, if there ever was i think it was zidane.

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