What does Intel core 2 DUO mean
and lets say i have a Intel core 2 DUO processor with 1333mhz FSB does this also mean tat the FSB is quad pumped(333mhz x 4) jus like in the Pentium 4 processor
Update:so for core 2 quad the FSB is quad pumped and for core 2 duo its double pumped or is it QUAD pumped for all
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Core 2 duo is just a series of cpus. There are also core duos which are not as good. Basically core 2 duos are Intel's dual core cpus that introduced a new architecture. They differ from Pentium D (dual core Pentium 4) in that they operate at lower frequencies but do more work. A core 2 duo at 1.6Ghz is faster than an older Pentium 4 operating at 3.0Ghz. The core 2 duos are simply amazing because they overclock like crazy. I've been running mine overclocked (twice stock speed) 24/7 for two years using a $25 aftermarket fan/heatsink and have done no damage.
Core 2 is the name of the processor series, duo means that it's a dual core processor. There's also Core 2 Quad and Core 2 Solo.
Yes, it's quad-pumped.
yep, quad pumped fsb
core2duo means you have 2 processors