I am very conservative when it comes to most of the issues. my mother is VERY liberal. I believe that people are people. race is just the color of skin, and nothing more.
When I was little, I watched a show where a white man married a black woman. my grandmother explained to me how wrong that was. I understood, she was born in a time of heavy racism. but my mom also feels this way. not that African Americans are scum or anything...but that you shouldn't mix races with them. "A white and a Mexican is Ok, but never a white and a black, eeew." she said.
now, I have a problem. there is a girl I really like at school. she's sweet and very pretty. I don't know if I'd go out with her, but probably if I got to know her. there's only one problem: I'm white and she's an African American. I'm afraid to socialize with her, because I know that my mother would feel odd about a relationship with a black girl. it's not like she's forbid it or anything, but she just would act oddly.
to tell you the truth, I think that African American women posess a down-home elegance that I find very warm and attractive.
what do you think? should I get to know this girl, or should I respect my mother's feelings?
Update:Nikolaos and Zena E.: great advice, as alwayse! thanks!
Update 3:Bocner: while most here would disagree with you, I definatly see your point. but I highly doubt that race and IQ have anything to do with eachother. race should be preserved, yes. but I don't think that the whole of the white race rests on my shoulders. and besides, science tells us that genetic diversity make for a stronger (human) race. lol, take that 9th grade biology class!
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Check out Moses and Zipporah in Bible
Check out Soloman and the Queen of Sheba
I think you have to rise about Prejudice..
But unfortunately in today's world Prejudice Exists.
Even though some overcome the prejudice.
PS.. In our Toronto Greek Church we have many interacial children.Many couples adopted multiracial children and all is well. Speak Greek better than I do :)
I would get to know this girl, definitely. But I would be careful about how much you let your Mom know about it. If you introduce the subject gradually and in the right way, you might find your Mom would be okay with it. After you have made friends with the girl, you might say to your Mom, 'I know this girl at school, she's sweet, she said this/did this...' without mentioning that she is African-American. After a while, your Mom will start to build up a picture of this girl as sweet and pretty and nice.
Now, after some weeks of this, if you and this girl do start going out rather than being just friends, you might try saying to your Mom something like, 'You know X? You know what a great person she is? Well, I'm a bit nervous of telling you this because I know you don't approve of interracial mixing, but she's African American..' I don't know your Mom at all, obviously, so it's your call if you try it this way. But it might be worth a shot.
Also bear in mind it may be uncomfortable for the girl if she meets your Mom and your Mom starts treating her badly, saying prejudiced things and so on. But if you and the girl have a strong relationship, you can get through it. Other people have!
And you have right on your side, because it is just plain wrong for people to be prevented from being friends or partners just because they happen to be different colours or cultures.
Good luck!
i'm additionally a Filipino approximately to married my american fiance and that i'm happy our pastor had in no way reported something against GOD's regulation. we are all created in his image and it would not shrink on what races you will marry as long as you like one yet another and promise to stay jointly in trials or happiness and as long as JESUS remains the middle of your relationship it is going to works. Marriage existence certainly isn't full of ideals..what you want won't take place each and all the time. yet according to threat your relative who's a preacher desire you to marry somebody he knows soo plenty even though it is likewise a competent ingredient yet he can no longer dictates you and threaten by ability of utilising GOD in it. They reported that contentment is between too plenty and too little of a few thing...GOD bless which incorporate your plans
Respect your mother's feelings. Nothing wrong with being friends with blacks but relationships? That'd be dishonoring not only your mother's feelings but your ancestor's heritage, even going so far as to say your race's heritage. Once you cross over to the dark side, there's no going back, I'm speaking about your children who will help breed out white people.
A person does not need to be racist to wish to preserve their heritage. Seriously would you want your future generations to inherit both social and physical (nappy hair being one and lower IQ) disadvantages? This new wave PC idea about race being a social construct is bull and it's just a short matter of time before science will prove it.
Edit: regarding all the popular talk about mix races being healthier and better or whatnot, just goes to show it's more PC liberal hype. Mixing is not exactly a new phenomena, it's been occurring for hundreds if not thousands of years, just take a look at pretty much all of Puerto Rico, South America, Brazil, North Africa and much of Central Asia. All of them are of predominantly mixed peoples in one form or another.
Now compare them to Europe or East Asia, where populations are more homogeneous. So which nations are leading the way? Which have smarter people? Really, what do we actually see?
While first generation mixes may be healthier, it seems down the line, it evens out and if anything, mixes become worse off or dumber. Many of those mixed nations are seriously messed up places. If history is anything to go by, it seems multiculturalism actually helped bring down civilizations sooner or later...
As for that 9th grade biology class, been there done that, it isn't the end all there. I've moved on and am just coming out of being brainwashed. I suggest you read the up on the studies of Philippe Rushton and noted molecular biologist James Watson and what they have to say about black people's IQ levels.
Oh about Brazil, you should really study up on their society too. It isn't the racial utopia that it likes to hype. While studies do show mixes there to be in a healthier state of mind, the darker the skin color, the lower one is in their society. Whiter does equal better apparently. : )
It's not your mother in the relationship, it's YOU. If YOU like her, it's YOU that has to be happy. Get to know her! You can respect your mother's feelings by acknowledging them, but respecting and obeying are two separate things. She should respect your views as well.
@ Gary- I said nothing of the sort. You asked if white people were planning a takeover and I confirmed your fears and told you to fear my evil wheelchair of doom. XD
F*ck your mom dude. I'm sorry not trying to disrespect her, but she is racist and arrogant. If you really like this girl, I think you should give it a shot! Trust me, when you really love someone, everyone Else's opinions start not to matter.
Don't listren to that Bocner dumbass. I'm mixed (black and asian) and I'm far from dumb. He acts like black people have low IQs. If he was smart he would know race doesn't determine your IQ. I say go talk to her. If you like her ask her out. :D
for Orthodox Christians it's not important coz for god we are one. the main is, she hould be a nice human, and if you wanna marry her, she should be Eastern orthodox, think about it, will you carry the cross of life together? will she good partner, or good mom? and if everything is ok, than you love her :D if not, you just like her.
and I forgot that you should listen to your parents, if they don't want to marry her and have serious argument about it you can't marry.
and if they don't want and don't have arguments, just don't like that girl, than you should talk to them to belive that your choice is good.
I advise you dialogue in both situations :D:D
I'm white, 55, and have been with black women all my adult life. Perhaps you live in a snobbish high class neighborhood
You can't let your parents ruin what could possibly be part of your future because of their hang-ups. Does this girl like you too? I say go for it, man!