i have to write a essay about Fidel Castro. My thesis statement is Fidel Castro brought us closer/farther from the one world, one dream idea? So i need help understanding him a little bit better. Thanks =]
Update:Okay yea i now think he is a bad guy even though he did some things good.
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Only if you redefine murder and oppression as "good" can Fidel Castro be considered a "good" man.
He must be ...the U.S. government hates him.
Always a good gauge in judging someones character.
Gotta give credit where credit is due, Castro has gone through 10 US Presidents so far and he is still firmly in power.
Everything done to him by the US has been a total failure.
Say what you want about Castro but he has made a fool out of the USA.
Several people recently got permission from the state dept to go to Cuba for transplants. Their superior medical facilities were needed to keep them alive because they would have died here either waiting for a transplant or due to poor medical facilities. Most of the cost of medicine in the U.S. goes to CEO salaries and executives while American citizens die. The suffering that families in America go thru is astronomical.
God bless Castro. A brave, honest, warrior leader, who never lied, the people were always first as he sacrificed so much for them. No other leader today will ever come close.
There will be monuments all over the world remembering the great leader and man of peace.
Here's an article he wrote (he's written quite a few)
Ideas cannot be killed
No he is not a good man. The "paradise" he created is a backwards failed nation that has to export a large chunk of it's population to survive. US has agreed to allow thousands every year to settle in the states, mainly Florida. These people send money and goods back to Cuba.
Only fools are blind to the squalor that exists there. The statistics given to the UN that suggest a 1st rate health system are suspicious beyond belief. Thousands died in the Dominican Republic from the hurricanes this season, but Cuba hit by the same storms reports how many casualties? Cat 5 hurricanes kill even in the land of Oz that Fidel has created.
Cuba has always been a 3rd world nation, wracked by extreme poverty. Communism helped some, hurt others. It's a textbook demonstration of the failure of the system. it didn't do all it could have. Judged thusly, Castro was a failure, not all he was cracked up to be, and he has let Cuba languish, to an extent. But the USA shares culpability in this. They have stopped all trade with Cuba, which in effect condemns it to 3rd world status. If they had lifted the trade embargo decades ago, who knows how history might judge Fidel.
Maybe you can find your answer here, it's pretty much the same question: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=200801...
If you think fanaticisim is a redeeming quality then perhaps he is a good man.