In college or junior college, it might be remedial. You will know by the course number. If the course number is under 100, it's a remedial class.
As for high school, I suppose it could be remedial, but you would still get a full credit for the class. Typically in a college or junior college, remedial classes are required (typically due to a low score on the ACT or SAT) but no credit is given for completion.
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In college or junior college, it might be remedial. You will know by the course number. If the course number is under 100, it's a remedial class.
As for high school, I suppose it could be remedial, but you would still get a full credit for the class. Typically in a college or junior college, remedial classes are required (typically due to a low score on the ACT or SAT) but no credit is given for completion.