So me and my friend are having a mini "debate". We're trying to resolve the problem "Islam has received unfair media treatment". I'm on the negative side. Can you like give me background information about this. You can cite other websites.
Update:Please answer based on facts from actual websites that you could please include
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Islam is being posted negatively in the media, but islam is doing alot to bring it on also. Some are extremist and some are not, those who try the peaceful approach are overshadow by the doings of the extremist. Myself, I just meet and greet the same. Their religion is not a problem to me.
See that Islam has gotten unfair treatment. I am an Atheist and personally I don't care for there religion but i recognize that the media is painting a picture and i wonder why. We are being led to believe something and in my experiences that's never been a good thing.
Aw, poor muslims. The media doesn't like them. Sounds like a good reason for jihad against the vile, evil American media, yes?
Frankly, the premise is unproven. "The media" covers newsworthy events and actions that interest people and get them to view their media. Peaceful, normal people living normal lives are rarely newsworthy. Fanatics that fly planes into buildings -- that's newsworthy. The same pretty much applies to christianity except around major religious holidays, the "media" really only talks about them when something bad or outrageous or "newsworthy" happens. That's media. It's not bias against muslims, it's bias against boring.
Media has done worse for Hinduism, so I don't think Media has done anything bad on Islam.
There is much more to say by Media YET.
More news should be shown.
Osama is killed since months, and media is unable to present the fact that USA is still making a baseless claims, in order to keep a tight security near Indian Sub Continent.
I hate Media Personally due to lack to Truth being shown.
You want a fact based answer, turn of the news, fox cnn msnbc choose which ever you want, go on their websites go to any articles that they have on muslims or an Islamic country and then compare it to other articles about other religions or other countries, you will see for some reason they LOVEEE to talki about Islam Muslims etc.
It's called: You reap what you sow.
The media is actually too respectful of Islam, they call them "a religion of peace" in order to be politically correct, but the quran states that "peace" can only be accomplished when all of the non-believers have either converted or been slaughtered.
but reasonable people easily see through the facade and they don't trust Muslims, and frankly if a man watches the news and sees random acts of horrible terrorism taking place by Muslims (and the Muslim community not really speaking out about them) and decides he doesn't want himself or his family to be around Muslims because he believes they could be a threat to his or his family's safety, well that's his personal decision and he should have a right to feel that way.
If Muslims watch the atrocities committed by Islam and still want to hold up the mantle of Islam then they have to share in the shame of those atrocities.
That's the trouble with our society, nobody wants to take responsibility for their actions
Not through media but socially islam receives very bad treatment.
Islam has received the media treatment their followers gave them.
I think Islam gets treated with kid gloves in the western media. Islam is given a lot more respect than it deserves considering the amount of violence accomplished in its name.
Consider that about 150 people were killed in violent riots over a handful of silly cartoons. I'm supposed to respect this or the people behind this madness?
The media actually does Musllems a favor by only reporting about half of the actual violent acts that are the actions of crazy islamic terrorists. Usually they just call it a lone crazy person who happens to have the name mohammad.