May 2021 1 73 Report
Japanese dialects kanto or kansai?

The dictionaries I have access to on and off line don't state when a KUN reading of a Kanji is Kansai or Kanto. Does anyone know or have access to a dictionary that says which of these 2 KUN are dialect or whether its kansai or kanto. The word is shino which supposedly equals sasa bamboo grass or dwarf bamboo xiao 3 in chinese unihan 7be0 The SinoJpanese rreading is Shoo or Zoo and its r. 1118 12-13 strokes.


kananame you missed the point

my dicitionary said the character used for shino has a KUN reading of sasa or shino

does the dictionary presenting two different KUN readings cos there's a dialect difference?

or does the dicitionary have a error?

does a dictionary having several Kun readings of a kanji represent dialect differences?

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