Even though LDS do not still practice polygamy, can LDS men be sealed to deceased women as well as their living wife, so that they can practice polygamy in the celestial kingdom?
Update:Is this one of the Mormons sealing ordinances?
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Yes, you are completely correct. The doctrine of plural marriage has never been repudiated. It is only temporarily halted in its practice. However, as you said, a man can be sealed to multiple women. If his wife dies, he can be sealed, for "time and all eternity" to a second wife. If that second wife dies, he can be sealed to a third, etc, etc.
This only works for Mormon men. A Mormon woman can only be sealed "for time and all eternity" to one man. She will be part of his harem in the "Celestial Kingdom".
Early Mormon leaders taught that Jesus was a polygamist during his life, and that both he and his creator (Elohim) are polygamists in their Celestial Kingdom. Polygamy will be the "norm" in Mormon heaven, according to early Mormon teachings.
Of course, nowadays, the Mormon church is very low-key about these early teachings and the doctrine of polygamy that is still "on the books". Why is that? Well, ostensibly it's because God wants it that way. But interestingly, God only wanted it that way when the US federal government told the Mormon leadership that Utah couldn't become a state of the union unless and until it renounced the practice of polygamy.
You'd think that now, with alternative forms of marriage being accepted and legalized, the Mormon church would be pushing to have this "everlasting covenant" made legal and the practice reinstated within the church... Yeah right. There would be a massive exodus from the church and widespread reviling of the church from society if they did that. No, they'll just continue to keep it quietly swept under the carpet...
Yes, a Mormon friend of mine told me that there would be marriage and even multiple marriage in Mormon heaven, the Celestial kingdom. I'm not sure if they have to get "sealed" on Earth first, but I didn't ask a lot about it at the time.
LDS do practice polygamy. In their heaven. Of course LDS guys have to die first, then become gods, then get the girls, whether dead or alive. From what I remember mormon men can be sealed to as many women in their version of heaven as they prefer. So why bother with all that paperwork down here?
Oye. Mormonism. Just when you thought scientology was convoluted enough.
No, that is not done either. Any paring of men and women after mortality will have to be determined by the Lord and most likely performed during the Millennial reign.
There have been men who have outlived multiple spouses, being sealed to each one in turn. They would still be sealed to all of them in the resurrection.
That's the good thing about the Celestrial Kingdom; what happens there, stays there.
And some LDS still practice polygamy.
Matthew 22:29-30
But Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God. 30 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.
Jesus Himself said after death, marriage means nothing. So I don't know what beliefs Mormons have with regard to this, but it sure doesn't sound Biblical.
They abandoned that practice in 1890 because Utah could not become a state until they did. There may be some splinter Mormon sects that have revived the practice.
Yes, It is one of the sealing ordinances; But it goes both ways; a widow can also remarry and be sealed to her new husband. Personally it is a little confusing but God will have the solution.
Ecclesiastes 3 v 19, 20, ch. 9 v 5, 10.
They just can't let go of lusting can they. Gotta have more than one bed mate!