( no la traduscan en traductor sale mal )
si pueden tambien la melodia y pliss dejenme los links de ambas
Aquí tienes la letra de la cancion en ingles!
Campana sobre campana,
bell and one,
look out the window,
see the Child in the crib.
Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem,
that angels play
what new you bring me?
Incorporated your flock
where you shepherd?
I'm taking the portal
cottage cheese, butter and wine.
what news you bring me?
bell and two,
look out that window,
because God has born.
bell and three,
on a Cross at this time,
Children will suffer.
Christmas, Christmas
Today is Christmas.
With bells this day
We must celebrate
Because I was born
Last night, Christmas Eve,
The child Jesus.
La melodia no la se. A ver si la letra te sirve de algo.
Este villancico no existe en inglés.
No estarás buscando "jingle bells" ?
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Aquí tienes la letra de la cancion en ingles!
Campana sobre campana,
bell and one,
look out the window,
see the Child in the crib.
Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem,
that angels play
what new you bring me?
Incorporated your flock
where you shepherd?
I'm taking the portal
cottage cheese, butter and wine.
Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem,
that angels play
what news you bring me?
Campana sobre campana,
bell and two,
look out that window,
because God has born.
Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem,
that angels play
what new you bring me?
Campana sobre campana,
bell and three,
on a Cross at this time,
Children will suffer.
Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem,
that angels play
what new you bring me?
Christmas, Christmas
Christmas, Christmas
Today is Christmas.
With bells this day
We must celebrate
Christmas, Christmas
Because I was born
Last night, Christmas Eve,
The child Jesus.
La melodia no la se. A ver si la letra te sirve de algo.
Este villancico no existe en inglés.
No estarás buscando "jingle bells" ?