My guess it's an IRC idendt encrypted with the first 4 digits of your IP for identification purposes. Well it does happen! but usually you get a short string of hexadecimal and that isn't hex. So it could just be encrypted gobbledegook.
I have several of these implements at home. I keep one by the fire in case the Saracens attack. The other one is blunted and is used to hold up the shed.
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hello hello a queue i see i see i hate to queue before i pee
My guess it's an IRC idendt encrypted with the first 4 digits of your IP for identification purposes. Well it does happen! but usually you get a short string of hexadecimal and that isn't hex. So it could just be encrypted gobbledegook.
I have several of these implements at home. I keep one by the fire in case the Saracens attack. The other one is blunted and is used to hold up the shed.
laugh out loud only a question i see isee i ate too quickly before
i ...posted,popped,peed, no lost me on the last word ?
'ello 'ello a queue I see I see I hate to queue before I pee
Yrros t'nac pleh uoy..
don't know the first bit but you hate to queue before you pee...