ok, im a pentecostal, and i love jesus, but i disagree about the word. sure, we have the bible, but who said that was the complete word? i think this because the older, ignorant christians had a little pissy party about what they thought was gods word. the bible is god inspired, but god didnt arrange for us the kjv bible, so who is to say that if it doesnt agree with the bible its not from god? but i believe all the books are his word, but i believe that the lost gospels are also true. they passed the test of time. didnt they? idk, i have alot more views on this topic, so post, but if your willing to get nto a larger discussion on this topic, email me.
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See I see where the pentecostal have stopped...i use to be a pentacostal, then i found out there was no hell, (Dante wrote Hells buring inferno and the early catholic church brought it in to scare and control the people) then i found out we are children of God and the sons of God, then i found out Jesus overcame death hell and the grave and then i found out what that actually means in regular language and that is we do not have to die physcially. That is the real gospel and you dont need the other books to prove it, there is enough in the regular bible without the lost books to prove it....i have seen the scriptures they are throughout the bible. If Jesus is our example and he didnt get sick old or die...guess what He is our ex. He is the way the truth and the LIFE. And Jesus is the God of the old test too. Jesus said i came that they would have life and that more abundantly.
What exactly is the "test of time"? That they survived? How does being a really old story make them true?
Do you understand why the "lost gospels" were not included in the Bible? It wasn't about being pissy. It was about a great many things, including the fact that many of them were known to be forgeries: they could not possibly be old enough to be written by the supposed authors.
We could get into a larger discussion on this anytime you want to. It's one of my favorite subjects. But the "lost gospels" have hardly "passed the test of time". They were rejected for a reason and remained irrelevant for nearly two thousand years. They clearly identify themselves as written by a group of people who believed in two gods.
Christianity has its roots in Judaism. There were never two gods in Judaism. And if you read the 'lost gospels' you'll readily see why they were rejected.
I believe that everything God wanted us to know has been saved for our Bible. There are many other writings and stories that scholars have felt were not God-inspired and were not included in some Bibles. It is up to you to decide that if you choose to read them but many are deceiving.
Read them and see for yourself. Those I have read teach things that directly contradict what the 4 authentic gospels teach. Since the 4 gospels are the best authenticated (being authenticated in the second century C.E., and manuscripts found for all 4 dating to the 2nd century C.E.), I have to give those preference when considering which gospels are most likely to be valid.
Jim, http://www.bible-reviews.com/
God can talk through a movie or a dream or a secular song. Why not through the "lost books?"
Love God and your neighbor and expect God to continually expand you. Prefer God above all else. Nothing else matters.
there are no lost gospels in the roman catholic bible, it is the original bible, and the protestant reformers frantically and unbiblically tore out 7 books of the bible and changed some vital words that would change the context. this is why protestants have never heard of the archangel raphael, who accompanied Tobias on his journey.