I think my blood pressure is low because when I stand up I sometimes feel dizzy. Some say that I should eat salt, drinks rich in Vitamins or candy when I feel like this, is this all true? I also sometimes, when I'm standing for a long time I start to feel really cold and I sweat a lot. What is happening?
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When you rise from a seated to a standing position too quickly, your blood pressure can drop for several reasons, but the condition is called orthostatic hypo tension.
Best to have this verified by a doc, but in the meantime, when you get up (especially from bed), swing your legs over to the side and rise slowly, so your body can get accustomed to the different height.
Treatments depend on the cause, but rest assured, your doc has seen this before. Do you have heart or valve problems, poor circulation? Get it checked out; it may be nothing, but today's dizziness, can be tomorrow's passing out.
High blood pressure is very common and that is bad enough but low pressure is very uncommon and rare but it is much more dangerous than high blood pressure. My suspicion is that because it is so uncommon and rare it never seems to get any publicity like high blood pressure does.
Try a search for "low blood pressure" + symptoms + treatment (OR cures) and see what you get. Because low blood pressure is far more dangerous than high blood pressure you may have to see your doctor. If your blood pressure drops down to zero then, of course, you are dead.
This is called orthostatic hypotension. It is treatable with meds, but could also be a symptom of a more serious health concern, you may want to get it checked out. My basic help s, for OH is yes, salty foods before standing including chicken broth, saltines, etc. Make sure you are not dehydrated.
I have low blood pressure and your symptoms sound similar to mine - but low blood pressure can be a symptom of something else - please see your doctor. (consuming things with vitamins is always good - but I wouldn't recommend upping your salt intake - that can cause other problems)
Again, please see your doctor.
Make an appoitment to speak with your doctor becuase it could be a new medical condition you have that you dont know about. Its better safe then sorry.
make appt / with dr