Lumps inside lower lip?

Ok first of all I have been to the doctor and told him about them. And I will describe to you guys the same way I described them to him. They are very hard bumps on the inside of my lower lip that are not painful,colorless, and there are probably about 8 of them. By hard I mean it feels like there is a small rock inside my lip. I am 23 years old,I have dipped chewing tobacco since I was 17. These bumps range in size from a pea to about a quarter size of a pea. After explaining this all to my doctor he decided it wasn't even worth looking at and just told me that my lip was irritated. That was 2 months ago and they are still there after I quit dipping... I was wondering if somebody has had a similar experience or if anyone knows if anybody has had this. It will cost a $100 to go to a new doctor and my doctor refused to let me have a second opinion.


Thanks for responding so quickly. I don't know if I have always had this or not. I thought there was a really big one where I use to store my tobacco at while I dipped but there are about 4-5 of them in one general area that make it feel like the size of a quarter unless I dig my figures around and can feel each individual bumps. I really want to go to another doctor and make sure it's not the C-Word but I don't want to look dumb for going in there and its nothing. I mean I am not a trained health professional and I don't have a ton of money to just dump going to the doctor.. It would be my luck that I quit dipping a month to late...

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