Ok first of all I have been to the doctor and told him about them. And I will describe to you guys the same way I described them to him. They are very hard bumps on the inside of my lower lip that are not painful,colorless, and there are probably about 8 of them. By hard I mean it feels like there is a small rock inside my lip. I am 23 years old,I have dipped chewing tobacco since I was 17. These bumps range in size from a pea to about a quarter size of a pea. After explaining this all to my doctor he decided it wasn't even worth looking at and just told me that my lip was irritated. That was 2 months ago and they are still there after I quit dipping... I was wondering if somebody has had a similar experience or if anyone knows if anybody has had this. It will cost a $100 to go to a new doctor and my doctor refused to let me have a second opinion.
Update:Thanks for responding so quickly. I don't know if I have always had this or not. I thought there was a really big one where I use to store my tobacco at while I dipped but there are about 4-5 of them in one general area that make it feel like the size of a quarter unless I dig my figures around and can feel each individual bumps. I really want to go to another doctor and make sure it's not the C-Word but I don't want to look dumb for going in there and its nothing. I mean I am not a trained health professional and I don't have a ton of money to just dump going to the doctor.. It would be my luck that I quit dipping a month to late...
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Answers & Comments
Verified answer
Well, it's natural to have some bumps on your lower lip. Everyone has them. Yours might be swollen for some reason, making them bigger than usual. But it's also good to check to be sure it's not something bad. Just do what you feel is right.
Your teeth were slightlly loose? Hey buddy, I am only a pre-dent in college, but common sense says to go to your dentist. You do NOT want to risk gingival disease....you may need restorative done on your teeth.... I'm glad you asked this question finally.... Now, as far as the bump is concern...that is possibly swealing. The inside of your lip is in the process of healing as well. Seriously though, you NEED to visit your dentist and have him or her check your teeth that are a "bit" loose. Good luck!
Mucocele 100%
do you still have them???