Okay, so I noticed
2 days ago after returning from camp that my betta was developing pop eye on one eye. After doing research, I found that the new ornament I had just recently put in the tank was not washed and probably was releasing the bacteria that made my betta sick. He always sits at the bottom of the tank, is not as lively as usual, and lost his appetite. The poor thing.. Well we started to use Maracyn 1 yesterday afternoon and so far no improvement, so we did his second day of treatment earlier this morning. I curious to know, will Maracyn 1 work on my betta? If so, how long? And should I combine Maracyn 1 and 2 together like say one day I use Maracyn 1 and the next day I use Maracyn 2 until treatment is done? Please help!!
Update:lizz: We have already done all of that.
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Well first of all, make sure you have taken out whatever you did not wash. Just clean the tank. Take out the fish and put it in a bowl WITH WATER but do NOT put water out of the sink in there bottled water that is room temperature because the water out of the faucite has chemicals in it that can kill fish. After you do all that then clean out the tank scrub it down with a certian cleaning type you can get at a near by petsmart of some kind. I hope your fish is okay,
I have personally never had any luck with any sort of fish medicines, but you should probably wait a little longer than a day for the medicine to take effect. It's likely that it's just a bacterial infection if it's only one eye popping - if it's two, then it's likely an underlying illness.
In any case, I just read that you changed 100% of the water and completely cleaned out the tank? That would cause it to be lethargic - completely rinsing out and cleaning the tank kills all the beneficial bacteria in your tank that your fish needs to survive, and that will make your fish lethargic and refuse to eat. It's likely floating along the top of the tank because there's now way too much ammonia polluting the water from the 100% water change, and it needs fresh oxygen.
If you did change 100% of the water, then the ammonia problem is your bigger worry at the moment. You'll need to cut down on feeding - try to feed every 2-3 days. Do small, daily water changes. If you need to, keep using the medication, but again, I've never had luck with it.
What I usually do is treat the water with epsom salt, which will draw out the fluid in your fish's eye. Don't use aquarium salt, it does the opposite! Put in about 1 tablespoon per 5 gallon and do water changes until your fish is back to normal. It's appetite will slowly come back.
Unfortunately, changing all the water really complicates things, so you'll have to keep a close eye on your betta.
I had a Betta with popeye as quickly as. I went to my community fish keep (no longer Petsmart), and that they prescribed the scientific care. i do no longer bear in strategies the call of it now, yet once you drop drops of it in the water it is going to become a blue gel, and entices the fish to consume it. of direction, getting the antibiotic into the fish is the suited thank you to bypass, yet oftentimes quite annoying to do! interior of two days Bubbles became into gobbling it up, and by using the top of the scientific care, he became into as good as new. He lived practically 5 years after that. Sorry i do no longer bear in strategies the call. in case you bypass on your LFS and describe what I instructed you, they are going to in all possibility understand what i'm conversing approximately. do no longer dilly-dally. Your fish is in soreness, and he will die if he does not receive scientific care!