I hope Obama wins, Republicans want to stay in war, and hes just not good enough for our country: hes old, rich, has cancer, and sounds to me like he has altimeters and if he dies in office i DONT want palin in office! Obama may not be as good, but i think he could fix america WAY more than Mccain could!!
I dont want 4 more years of the last 8:-P econmy and the usa needs its name back, not for the rich to get richer and the poor to stay poor
VOTE OBAMA!! any arguments?
Update:OH AND mccain has how mmany houses? 8-11 and Obama has 1! Mccain is just to old to run our country, i think Chelsea Handler makes awesome remarks towards Mccain
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McCain, i think. I'm sorry, I'm a Democrat but Obama just isn't right for president, and I TOTALLY understand where you are coming from. I just think that McCain would make a better president AT THIS TIME. Maybe if Obama runs later on, I would vote for him, but right now, I think we need McCain. NOT PALIN! UGH! I WISH HE WOULD HAVE CHOOSEN A DIFFERENT RUNNING MATE! SHE KILLS WOLVES! BLAH! I HATE HUNTERS!
John McCain isn't rich. His wife is rich. By the way, if you look at John McCain's tax returns and Barack Obama's tax returns from the last few years, I think you will see that Barack Obama made a lot more money. As for the age, I don't think it is much of a factor. I agree that Palin isn't the ideal running mate because of her lack of experience, but look at it this way: If you vote for McCain, you might end up with an inexperienced President (Sarah Palin), but if you vote for Obama, you will definitely get an inexperienced President.
I have an argument. Obama sucks!!! He thinks we have 60 states and when he was sworn into office as a senator he would only swear on the Koran. He refuses to wear the American flag on his lapel. A president who hates the american flag. Kind of ironic considering all you idiots want him in office. WAKE THE F UP!!!! All he's gonna do is fill your ears with bullsh*t and then you elect him and guess what? He's gonna screw all of you over and you're going to ask yourself, "gee whiz, why did we vote for him?"
I don't want McCain either. But if worse comes to worse, I'd rather keep W in office.
Send me all the hate mail you want to about how Obama is so great and his vision for the future is so wise. Go ahead send your emails. All you're gonna do is prove to me that those blinders are on good and tight and are not about to come off anytime soon.
Oh and to the obvious genius who wrote this question: it's Alzheimer's. Again it just proves how many morons it takes to vote for Obama.
I think it's important to vote in an administration that can mobilize and get things done.... not just someone who talks and talks about doing something or rhetoric.... I'm a democrat, but must say I'm going with AmeriCAIN all the way -- With Obama small businesses would suffer for tax cuts and I thnk McCain/Palin will ensure energy independence, less fraudulent gov practices, smaller gov't and health insurance based on the market not on gov't -- do we really want to have another gov't program? Keep an open mind to Palin.
AmeriCAIN all the way. We can't affort Obama and his lofty rhetorical ideas. I'm a democrat, but I need to keep my job and keep taxes low, and don't was gov health care. voting for McCain.
Are you going to have this guy, Phil Gramm, who helped screw up the international financial gadget, be a Treasury secretary ought to McCain win? To Mccain's supporters--- did you recognize that Mccain's financial adviser Phil Gramm has resigned following his assertion, "we've form of develop right into a rustic of whiners,". while Mccain has no person to propose him on financial gadget, he and Palin starts off doing own assaults on Obama. even though it would not artwork. everybody is irritating approximately financial gadget and the destiny greater beneficial than something. Google-> "Mccain is dropping supporters" @ 'Economists For McCain' Trash McCain's New loan Plan :- most of the expert economists who formally counseled John McCain's financial plan are expressing bewilderment along with his maximum modern concept to rectify the domicile loan disaster. @ foreclosure Phil :- Now a properly-paid govt at a Swiss financial employer, Gramm cochairs Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign and advises the Republican candidate on financial concerns. he's been suggested as a plausible Treasury secretary ought to McCain win. it quite is actual: a guy who helped screw up the international financial gadget might desire to finally end up in value individuals financial coverage. communicate a pair of marketplace failure. Vote for Obama. i do no longer choose this guy, Phil Gramm to be the Treasury secretary, i do no longer choose yet another 4 years of fail administration.
You must be prepared to look at an entire person, Think beyond what is on the surface There is far more to Obama than an Afirmative Action
platform can compensate for
Americans are starting to realize they were "blinded by his blackness". They believed that he is a typical 2008 millennium black American. America is starting to see Obama is a man driven by more. He is driven by the black supremacy movement of the 1960s, because assuming that militant anger makes him feel closer to his father who abandoned him. It also gives him an emotional release in that he can blame white supremacy for his abandonment rather than his father, and he can feel closer to his father by "walking in his father's emotional footsteps" so to speak.
The addition is that Obama is also far angrier as he is avenging his childhood abandonment.
Well, all what your are saying are the negative points. Your just being biased. Republicans have just the same amount of chance a Democrat can win. So next time you post a question like this, make it fair. =]
yes! Obama if u dont no smokes and used to be addicted to like marajuanna!! also he has no where near as much expeurence as mccain who has spent his whole life protecting america! He was in the army or something and was a prisoner of war!!
JM, but really doesn't matter. The nation is far greater than any individual, and will survive and prosper regardless who is in office. So long as freedom survives, the future is indeed bright.