So I was talking to some of my fellow soldiers, and given the cuts to education programs, healthcare costs increase, possible changes to the GI Bill. With all these changes to programs soldiers sign up for when they join the military. Would they have a legal argument to modify their contract, because the government wouldn't be fulfilling their promise of these programs. We aren't pursuing this, just a routine breakfast conversation.
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Tuition Assistance is a 'perk' not an entitlement. It is not in your contact. So nothing in the enlistment contract has been voided. T/A has come and gone over the years and it will likely return when the budget sequestration is resolved.
Sounds like a good argument to me.
my son will be leaving the Army in October.
He wants an education.
Osama is cutting the military education programs just in spite.
No need for this.
What a spoiled child he is.
The ONLY things you are entitled to is to be paid, be housed and be fed and receive medical as needed.
That is it. Read the contract. Nothing mentioned about tuition assistance...
Gotta love those Barracks Lawyers!