it started 2 years ago when i was 17, I changed schools and i felt depressed so i started taking some of my mums pills witch included anti anxiety, sedatives and pain killers.. it never became a BIG problem because i had it under control and like i said, I have been doing this on and off for the last 2 years but last month me and my girlfriends were celebrating after a fashion show we participated in and i had some kind of reaction because we were drinking champagne and smoking cigarettes so i was kinda out of it and the next thing i remember is that i wake up at my friends appartment and the whole night is a blur..
was that a reaction to the drugs or did i just drink to much.. because i have had blackouts from drinking and this was nothing like that
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All three of those drugs shouldn't be mixed with alcohol let alone to excess. Be very careful with this combo, if you can avoid it entirely that would be great, if not please do it in moderation. If you feel the need to drink and use these meds please get help. This combination kills way too many great people and I'd hate to see you be one of them. good luck
Prescription medicine and alcohol can be a lethal mix. It is never a good idea to mix the two because it can have disasterous consequences.
On top of the drugs that you take knowingly, there is also a risk of ingesting drugs planted by others. Rohypnol, commonly known as the "date rape" drug would have the effect of making a whole night a blur, and making you vulnerable to those with less than good intentions.
In any case you seem too willing to risk your wellbeing for a little "high". It's not worth it. You can cause yourself brain damage, coma, and even death. It's like playing Russian Roulette.
Walgreens has a rx plan called the the rx saving club. they came up with it to compet with walmarts 4 dollar generics. You pay $20 to join for the year then you can get a 90 day supply of listed generics for $12.99 (same thing as $4 30 day supply at walmart) plus a discount on all other medications including brand name. whether you have ins and you just have high copay or you have no ins at all this can help.
it was probaly a little of both...but at the age of 17...what are you doing taking your mums pills....are you looking to get really sick....or just kill yourself...
there is hundreds of people every year that take just what you are taking....when they have no business taking them and they end up over dosing and dying....
i don't know a thing about your life...but i bet what ever you are depressed about can be handle in a better manner than risking your life...sweety stop...what you are doing is so dangerous.....your life is to precious to mess it all got people that love you and you should seek some advise from one that is trained in the depression field....or the help of a pastor would be a good one to talk to....
don't risk throwing your young life away.....its to precious....
please get off the meds that belong to your mum and instead...reach out to her or another one that you know that you can trust to confine in about your depression.....please keep me up to date on this if ya would and you may contact me at any time if ya want or need to ever talk...good luck sweety.....and please....make the wise choice....please stay in touch if ya would....your friend ...kelly
A combination of both I'm sure - there is nothing minor about a drug problem of any kind. I hope you can get help.
I have had my fair share of perscription drugs "painkillers and anti-anxiety pills" Peice of advice brother, please dont drink and take this stuff. It will end up bad news like respritory failure and/or heart attack... If you ever have a serious question like this in the future, and you feel embarresed to ask a doctor in person, then please just find a pharmacy and call in your questions to them.
dont ever drink and take sadatives or sleeping tablets ive done it i just blacked out like you and the next day my freinds said ive been doing all sorts of crazy stuff and i couldent remember a thing