"I do have executive experience: Since I started running for president now for nearly 2 yrs I have been running a campaign with multi-million dollar budget ..."
I thought you had to have experince BEFORE you qualify yourself to run a campaign in stead of citing your campaign as your executive experience???!!!
Please give your honest opinion as an American.
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The man is not qualified to be president. His smoke and mirrors talk about his record is just that, smoke and mirrors. Little by little the truth is getting out about this man. I'm sure he means well, I'm sure he's a good father, etc., but he is an empty suit on the political front, something the dems threw up on the wall and because he's new, he stuck. Sure, people want change, and that's why they did not vote for Hilary in the primaries, but we all know what Obama is about, and it ain't good. Read his books, look at his connections in shady Chicago politics, his associations with convicted real estate felon Rezco, friendship with convicted felon and murderer William Ayres, 20-year friendship with a racist preacher and the teachings of militant blacks of the late 1960s, communist and anarchist Saul Alinsky. Come on, this guy is DIRTY
McCain/Palin '08
McCain doesn't have any executive exp. outside of his campaign. I think the whole thing is a bit overplayed. First we talk about McCain has more experience... then you say Palin is better than Obama because, despite him having more time in public office, her exp. was 'executive. but if you say these things you realize you are disqualifying McCain's exp. too? it's all a big smoke screen and deception planned to keep you from critically analyzing the reactions to the situations they are placed in. That's what really matters. Anyone can come up with a subjective 'measure of experience' that would come out with each candidate on top. What matters is their intelligence, their judgment, their vision, and in their ability to inspire the American people.
I saw that live on CNN and I laughed for a solid minute. Obama isn't in charge of that. He has campaign managers. He's such a joke.
And yes you prepare to lead the country before you start trying to get elected. That is what McCain and Palin did.
Since none of the candidates, Presidential or Vice-Presidential have ever been President, none of them have any relevant experience.
And McCain doesn't have any executive experience either.
Only Palin has some executive experience. And she is the governor of one of the least populated states in the union. Alaska has less than 700,000 citizens. How many cities have larger populations than that?
He has more international experience than Gov. Bush did, eight years ago.
Experience is a campaign issue invented by the McCain campaign.
Eight years from now, just like eight years ago, it will be a non-issue again.
What about the price of gas, milk and bread -- THAT is a real issue.
Apparently none of you watched Sarah Palin's interview. It was worse than any beauty pageant interview I've ever seen. she had one page of dialogue memorized and just kept recycling 2 or 3 rehearsed phrases. She came off as a complete idiot. She would be an embarrassment to the US. Could you imagine her addressing NATO or the UN? How about negotiating with the likes of Putin or Chavez?
He has been in political offices for about 10 years. He has spent half of that time campaigning for another office. Campaigning IS his EXPERIENCE.
BRIDGET: I find everything that you have stated to be factual except the last two words of the second statement. As an Illinois voter, I haven't seen much representation from Obama over the past four years.
Obama's claim of two decades of experience are accurate in the field of public service, education and civil rights law.
If Obama wins election and takes office in January 2009, he will have served four years in the U.S. Senate representing Illinois.
Before that, he was a state senator in Illinois for eight years. He was also a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School during that time.
His schedule from the school shows him teaching two or three classes in the fall and winter terms — usually Constitutional Law III: Equal Protection and Substantive Due Process; Voting Rights and the Democratic Process; and Current Issues in Racism and the Law. In the spring, he would attend the Illinois legislative sessions. It seems a fairly safe bet that, like most legislators, his constituent work — fielding phone calls and helping people in his district — went on year-round. Press reports indicate he would do a small amount of private law practice during the summer. So that's eight years as a public official in Illinois, bringing our total to 12 years.
Obama graduated from Columbia University in 1983. He worked for a year as a financial analyst; in his memoir he said he spent his days behind a computer terminal, "checking the Reuters machine that blinked bright emerald messages across the globe" and feeling like "a spy behind enemy lines." He gave up that job to go into community organizing, work he felt was more important politically. He worked three years as a community organizer in Chicago before going to Harvard Law School. Not counting the junior-level business experience as working "on behalf of families who are having a hard time," but the community organizing work does seem to fit the bill. That brings his work experience to 15 years.
The other part of Obama's claim is that his experience is "on behalf of families who are having a tough time and are seeking out the American dream." We take that to mean his experience is broadly in the field of public service, and that too is an accurate claim. The bulk of Obama's professional experience is either in elected office or working for a nonprofit, a university or a civil rights law firm.
A factual tally of approximately 20 years of experience.
I have only 1 answer. Comparing Palin to Obama is ridiculous and disingenuous, All Democrats should start totally ignoring those comparisons and the retards that make them.
If that is supposed to count as experience to be President, his campaign manager is more qualified than Obama, since the campaign manager actually manages the campaign.