well this is kinda hard to explain. I know I can get a girl, but sometimes it feels like its impossible, yet I know there is girls who are attracted to me. I just wonder sometimes why cant Allah bring a woman into my life right now, I am sad and lonely. but I do have my family around me, but they cant give me the kinda love a female can. I am surrounded by people constantly, but I feel alone. I just want someone to hold and talk to, someone I can trust and love and that I am physically attracted to and she is attracted to me to. Why cant Allah give me a female right now, if he knows our thoughts and stuff then he knows that I want a girlfriend again.I have had girlfriends before, but not anymore. I want one that I can be with for the rest of my life, one that wont leave or cheat or hurt me. If God gave Adam his eve, why cant he give me my eve? I am 17 years old about to be 18, ill be 18 on December 24th just to let u know.
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good question but to clear it up for you I want to tell you that the answer is in your hands but you need the twffeq from Allah. for example I love medicine and I want to be a heart doctor so does it mean since I have this feeling and intention I would qustion why doesnot Allah makes me a doctor and give me an office ? the answer is in my hands if I want to be a doctor I cannot just sllep and wake up the next day as a doctor. if I want to be a body builder I just cannot go to sleep and wake up the next day having six packs in my stomach> I need to go out and work, if I want to be a doctor i need to attend the medical school read books take exams and study hard and understand the meterial then I can earn and desreve to be a doctor, I f I wanted to be a body builder I need to go to the gym work out run carry metal lift weights and watch my food so I can bulit a good body . same is your case you want to get married go out and look, ask your mom or family members that you are looking for a good women to be with look search find ask and Allah will make the twfeeq for you. if you need money you go out and work and god will give you sustinance you cannot sit in your house and say oh Allah you know my intention that I need money so the box of jewwerly will cometo you from sky you need to take action. Allah have connected every thing with reason if you get sick God tells you to check ur self at the doctor take your medication presecribed and ask him to give you helth.
For each (such person) there are (angels) in succession, before and behind him: They guard him by command of Allah. Allah does not change a people's lot unless they change what is in their hearts. But when (once) Allah willeth a people's punishment, there can be no turning it back, nor will they find, besides Him, any to protect. (Quran 13:11)
thats my birthday too..i will be 26...listen brother u have to understand..Allah(swt) has written all of us a book of how our life will be...u have to be patient and understand that u r committing a sin by having a girlfriend..and whoever u marry it is written in ur book the time and day and who u will marry..in ur book it will say when will u were born and when Allah wants ur soul back to him...it has everything about ur life when u were still in ur moms belly...now once u were born Allah(swt) is ready to test ur faith how much u can be patient..now u may face alot of calamities in ur life thinking to urself that u have the worst life but NO Allah(swt) knows u can handle and u may think u cant handle it...when u show patience on how difficult ur life is Allah(swt) will give u paradise in the akhira...this life is full of hardships and drama...just be patient and stop committing sin..inshaAllah u will have the woman of ur dreams soon but please dont commit a sin for a non mahram..ur letting shaytan beat u..be patient and everything will fall in place...if u see my hardships at my age u will not believe how hard i try to be patient but alhamdulillah Allah is with patience...if u die and have no wife..u will have a wife in the akhira as long as u r a good Muslim and are from heaven...and remember woman are much much prettier in heaven compared to this dunya because this dunya is just temporary..
Yes those pious men who will make in to Heaven, they will be given females as their wives.
Those who practice sex with their own gender will not make in to Heaven. They will be in hell fire for very long times. But it is against nature. God hates such people. God did destroy an entire city population because they refused to obey commands of Prophet Lut God had sent for their guidance.
u seem to b atleast 25.
Hurted u? But truth is bitter.