I have two king quails and the female jujst laid an egg today, but I didn't actually see it happen. They share an avairy with a pair of zebra finches and a male canary. The egg is a middlish colour brown with no spots. When I go out to see the egg, no one is sitting on it, should I be worried in any way? I moved the egg to a little pot that is turned upside down and has a opening for them so it doesn't get cold.
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hi there, firstly, do u have a male and a female? only if u have a pair then the eggs will be fertile.
your female wont be sitting on the egg until she's laid a clutch (usually from 4-10 i've read) mine laid a clutch of 6 before she sat (nested) on them. i've got two brown parents who laid also brown eggs with almost no spots.
i used a shoe box with a cut out dome shape entrance and place her first egg in a visable place. she then laid another egg the second day and rolled her first egg into the back of the shoe box. (entrance should be opened to ground level, so she can roll the egg into the box.) i used a shoebox because it is big enough and dark enough. they will only nest when they have shelter and a dark place. some people say their quails lay eggs everywhere then when they are ready to nest they then roll them into the nest.
my female took 8 days to lay 6 eggs. and nested for 21 days (not, 14, not 18, not 20-every internet source says different things) before the chicks hatched yesterday. only 5 eggs hatched.
just to let u know, on the 16th day she laid her 7th egg but of cos it wouldnt hatch and i dont have an incubator is i chucked it out after she left the nest with her chicks this morning.
daddy quail was realy good, he sometimes help to turn the eggs if mummy lets him in the box, (i put wood shavings in,) on day one after babies came out, he let them snuggle under his wings. however, he got really aggressive today and i had to remove him. i suspect my plastic container is too small and they keep bumping into each other. also he wants to mate and mummy is saying no. lol
give your quails lots of calcium to supplement. mine loves boiled eggs with crushed egg shell and they like cuttlebone. lots of quail crumble too. make sure when ur chicks hatch, they have powdered seeds and quail crumble. also a shallow water dish with marbles so they dont drown. i also give them some leafy greens like spinach and broccoli
the other small birds wont be a problem to nesting as long as u provide them with a nice nesting place :)
good luck!
Uh if you moved it they ain't sitting on it now cause they ain't gonna look for it. Quail lay eggs naturally like chickens. they aren't gonna just hatch one egg(they have like a dozen at a time). Unless they make a nest somewhere and lay multiple eggs in the same spot over time, the eggs are basically duds and you can just get rid of them. The eggs don't need to be warmed unless they've been incubated AKA YOUR QAUILS BEEN LAYING ON IT FOR LIKE 10 HOURS! (not correct time limit)Unless it's incubated there is no life and there for no need for heat. In any case keeping it cool would actually increase chance of successful incubation.
If they WERE going to incubate, by moving it, that's now off the table.