Hola amigos de yahoo quiero preguntar si me podrian decir frases de la pelicula antigua de The wild one, es sobre motos y si no se saben podrian decirme unas cuantas sobre moteros y viajes en la carretera sobre la libertad.
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Aquí te dejo algunas de las mejores líneas de esta película:
Johnny: What are you someone that makes sandwiches or something?
Mildred: What're you rebelling against, Johnny?
Johnny: Whaddya got?
Kathie Bleeker: I wish I was going someplace. I wish you were going someplace. We could go together.
Sheriff Singer: I don't get you. I don't get your act at all, and I don't think you do either. I don't think you know what you're trying to do or how to go about it. I think you're stupid. Real stupid and real lucky. Last night you scraped by, just barely; but a man's dead on account of something you let get started even though you didn't start it.
Charlie Thomas: I've seen hoodlums like this before. If you don't get tough with them the minute they get out of line you're sunk. You're the cop, aren't you? If you can't boot these jerks out there's plenty of us can, even if we have to bust a few heads.
Chino: I love you, Johnny. I've been looking in every ditch from Fresno to here hoping you was dead.
Kathie Bleeker: You're still fighting, aren't you. You're always fighting. Why do you hate everybody?
Johnny: Nobody tells me what to do. You keep needlin' me, if I want to, I'm gonna take this joint apart and you're not gonna know what hit you.
Chino: That's better Johnny. You know I miss you. Ever since the club split up, I miss you. We all missed ya... you miss 'im? yea. The Beetles missed ya. All the Beetles missed ya. Come on Johnny, let's you and me go inside and have a beer...
Kathie Bleeker: Well, what d'ya do? I mean, do you just ride around or do you go on some sort of a picnic or something?
Johnny: A picnic? Man, you are too square. I'm... I... I'll have to straighten you out. Now, listen, you don't go any one special place. That's cornball style. You just go.
Johnny: [opening narration] It begins here for me on this road. How the whole mess happened I don't know, but I know it couldn't happen again in a million years. Maybe I could of stopped it early, but once the trouble was on its way, I was just goin' with it. Mostly I remember the girl. I can't explain it - a sad chick like that, but somethin' changed in me. She got to me, but that's later anyway. This is where it begins for me right on this road.
Kathie Bleeker: Why are you trying to be so rude?
Johnny: I don't like cops!
Kathie Bleeker: Where are you going when you leave here?
Johnny: [he pauses and just shrugs]
Kathie Bleeker: Don't you know?
Johnny: Oh, man. we're just gonna go!
Kathie Bleeker: I'm sorry, I can't fight back. I'm too tired. It would be better, wouldn't it? Then you could hit me.
Johnny: You think you're too good for me. Nobody's too good for me! Anybody thinks they're too good for me, I make sure I knock 'em over sometime. Right now, I could slap you around to show you how good you are and tomorrow, I'm someplace else and I don't even know you or nothing.
Johnny: I'm afraid of you? Are you cracked?
Johnny: [as Charlie and other townsmen beat him up] My old man used to hit harder than that.
Sheriff Singer: I don't know if there's any good in you. I don't know if there's anything in you. But, I'm gonna take a big fat chance... and let you go.
Sheriff Singer: [to Johnny] What's a matter? You been hit on the head so often, you don't know when you're getting a break? At least say thank you.
[Nods to Sheriff Bleeker and Kathie]
Kathie Bleeker: It's alright. He doesn't know how.
[watching Johnny and Chino fight]
Charlie Thomas: What are they fighting about?
Jimmy: Don't know. Don't know themselves, probably.
Sheriff Singer: [referring to Johnny] You haven't fallen for this fellow, have you?
Kathie Bleeker: No. No, I couldn't.
Espero te sirvan.
Huy.... soy cinefilo de corazón y hay muchas frases. Muchas de ellas las digo en respuestas pero, he aqui una de mis favoritas: -Lo que paso paso tal y como debia haber pasado -como lo sabes -porque segumos vivos. Esta esta en Matrix Recargado.