Yo admiro a los dos por igual, a mi Mamá y a mi Papá porque siempre han sabido mediar la manera de educarnos a mi hermano y a mi por igual y no hacernos sentir a ninguno que uno es mas consentido que otro y la verdad, eso me enorgullece mucho de ellos... los quiero por igual a los dos... siempre se esfuerzan por darnos lo mejor y que no nos falte nada, mi papa como proveedor de alimentos y mi mama con sus cuidados siempre... siempre los dos al pié del cañón, tratando de hacernos felices a mi hermano y a mi, para que seamos personas de bien, y creo que lo van logrando
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I admire both equally, my Mom and my Dad have always known that mediate the way to educate my brother and me equally and not make us feel that no one is more than another, and consented to the truth, I am proud a lot of them ... I want both equally ... always strive to give the best and we are not missing anything, my dad as a supplier of food and my mom with his care always ... whenever the two at the foot of the canyon, trying to make happy my brother and me to become good people and I think they will achieve
I admire both equally, my mom and my dad because they had allways known to mediate the way to teach my brother and me equally and not to do to anyone that one is more spoiled than the other and the truth, and I take pride of they... I love equally the two... they allways put their efforts to give we the best and that anything miss to we, my dad like a food supplier and my mom with her cares allways... their allways with one's boots on, trying to made we happy my brother and me, to be people of good, and I think that they are achieving it.
Me costó esfuerzo y tiempo traducirlo, asà que ojalá me tomes en cuenta.
¿Estimada joven, te pido mil disculpas ¿pero de ingles Cero.
No desesperar que suelen decir,que el ingles es muy fácil,ja ja ja pero no se a que ingles se referÃa ja ja ja ja ja
I admire both equally, my Mom and my Dad have always known that mediate the way to educate my brother and me equally and not make us feel that no one is more than another, and consented to the truth, I am proud a lot of them ... I want both equally ... always strive to give the best and we are not missing anything, my dad as a supplier of food and my mom with his care always ... whenever the two at the foot of the canyon, trying to make happy my brother and me to become good people and I think they will achieve
I admire both equally, my Mom and my Dad have always known that mediate the way to educate my brother and me equally and not make us feel that no one is more than another, and consented to the truth, I am proud a lot of them ... I want both equally ... always strive to give the best and we are not missing anything, my dad as a supplier of food and my mom with his care always ... whenever the two at the foot of the canyon, trying to make happy my brother and me to become good people and I think they will achieve
I admire both equally, my Mam? and to my Dad? because they have always known how to mediate to educate my brother and me equally and not make us feel that no one is more than another, and consented to the truth, I am very proud of them ... I want both equally ... always strive to give the best and we are not missing anything, my dad as a supplier of food and my mom with his care always ... andalusia always two pi? the cadiz? No, trying to make happy my brother and me to become good people and I think they will achieve
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