Obama wants the poor to hate the rich because they are rich. Well do you want to know why the wealthy is wealthy? Because they work hard, get an education, and choose the right job. He wants the lower class to hate someone wealthy because they have money. So because someone works on wall street they are a dirty pig, you can work on wall street too! Why is some one not wealthy? It could be one, two, or all of these. Lazy, no education, big spender, or in debt. He thinks that you have money you should be taxed more because of it. So because you work hard and make lots of money you should be taxed more and if you don't have that much you shouldn't pay taxes. So 40% of America should pay federal taxes wile the others don't?And if your a millionaire you should be penalized, you didn't steal that million did you? He thinks that taxing the wealthy is good to reduce the deficit. How about you budget and control spending? Democrats call wealthy republicans greedy or pigs going to the bank. SO because someone chooses to go to college and get a good job, go on vacation, go out to eat( Im not greedy, I tip good), or spend money on things they are greedy because a poorer person didn't get to? If you want better you could have chosen better. Obama wants poor to hate rich and the rich to be taxed more because they have more. They have more because they have done more. We all pay the same gas price but why not the same taxes? O yah all you supporters for this, Obama is rich too, but guess who is bypassing the system.... A person making 300,000 a year should not be taxed 90,000 because they work. I see it every day, he makes more tax him more. My son was at school and this kid always came up and said, "you have money, buy me some fries". My son would say no and get crap. Finally he said "why don't your parents get an education and a better job so you can get your own fries" Harsh? Maybe. True? Yes. People think the wealthy are greedy because he they don't give to people like that. On a personal account, I give to charity with my money. I shouldn't give more to the government to choose where MY money goes to. The founding fathers don't believe that, but thats what the government has become.
Update:Bub, why doesn't the lower class do their share? Both ways.
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I do not HATE anyone without a good reason. Some people worked their asses off and got rich. What's the problem? Do all of us not have the same opportunity? Who is telling us that we cannot get an education and work hard? I do not fault these people at all. Then their are those who got rich because of mommy and daddy. These people are often lazy because they have never worked a day in their life. It's unfortunate that people can get rich off of their parents but that's life.
Nope. I don't think Obama is doing all of that. I also don't believe that people choose the wrong job every time. Someone gets to have it all, sometimes working hard, sometimes just getting someone else's old fortune. Since the beginning of time, there has been the workers who just get by, and then the few who lead them in various ways. It's absurd to assume it should be any different.
I will say there should be more upset people these days because there is less income for the regular and poor people. Work hard for what? Less money, more work with the notion that you will one day pick a job or profession that will make you rich. It does work for some, and that's good, but that division of haves and have nots are getting larger. Not that everyone should have the same amount, or even close, it's just absurd to think that everyone can get it if they want it bad enough. Many will just have to work hard, maybe up to three jobs to put a roof over their head, and some food on the table. The new American Dream - Get by...
The cons. don't want the rich to pay higher taxes, but they can't defend their stance. They know the super rich do not create jobs. They know that in the 50's and 60's the top tax bracket was higher than it is now and people had a high standard of living in those decades. Under Clinton, the top tax rate was at 39% and the economy was doing great. The cons. can only call higher taxes class warfare because they don't have a legitimate defense. They are essentially lying. The U.S. has always had the have nots, the haves, and the have mores. With this in mind, there hasn't been much violence between the haves and have nots. So this notion of class warfare is preposterous.
wealthy people got lucky. it's all about time and chance. it's in there in the bible. in proverbs or ecclesiastes. i forget which. jfk was the wealthiest president and you know why? because his family made their fortune bootlegging during prohibition. obama has wealth via books. but not nearly as much as jfk. all i'm saying is, the people with the resources aka the middle east (think oil) are the wealthiest people alive right now. but it's not all rainbows and sunshine pilgrim. they're fighting over it. who gets the power to control that oil? ah-ha? that's right. and we have some too but not nearly as much as saudi arabia. that's where bin laden came from mind you. it used to be about the money but now it's about those with oil and those without it. it's been that way for a while but i'm just now realizing. we're not living at a sustainable pace for our planet. more births than deaths. dwindling resources. the poor will only become poorer and the rich will diminish. they do, however, carry big clubs like the government and the military. there will always be class division or class hate. obama has just exploited it because he needs votes. there are more poor people than rich people and so it's only smart to side with the poor people. if there were a better candidate than obama then i would vote for him but there isn't. first black president gets all eight years.
"legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind. The descent of property of every kind therefore to all the children, or to all the brothers and sisters, or other relations in equal degree is a politic measure, and a practicable one. Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise."
-- Thomas Jefferson; from letter to James Madison, (Oct. 28, 1785)
"Admitting that any annual sum, say, for instance, one thousand pounds, is necessary or sufficient for the support of a family, consequently the second thousand is of the nature of a luxury, the third still more so, and by proceeding on, we shall at last arrive at a sum that may not improperly be called a prohibitable luxury. It would be impolitic to set bounds to property acquired by industry, and therefore it is right to place the prohibition beyond the probable acquisition to which industry can extend; but there ought to be a limit to property or the accumulation of it by bequest."
-- Thomas Paine, from 'Rights of Man, Part the Second' (1792)
No he isn't!
To me this sounds like ignorant rant.
The rich should pay higher taxes then the lower classes!
Raising taxes on the wealthy will help lower the deficit!The wealthy claimed they supported the "war on terror"!Yet Bush and the republicans borrowed to pay for those wars!
Do you feel better now that you got every thought out of your system?
Now, try listening to both sides of the story.
You are only believing and hearing one side.
The truth is the president has very little power......your giving him far too much credit.
False. The Right spend countless hours whining about 'welfare' recipients and you think Obama is trading on 'social class hate'? Open your eyes. You're being played by the GOP.
Nope. He would just like them to pay just a little more to help the country out of a bind, no hate, just asking for them to do the right thing.
Good god, I feel so bad for you that your party has come to making you think this way.