This just in.... Democrat Barack Obama raked in $25 million for his presidential bid in the first three months of 2007, placing him on a par with front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton and dashing her image as the party's inevitable nominee. - NBC NEWS .
Just thought I'd share the great news.. Is there anyone out there "STILL" think Hillary will beat Obama for the nomination?
Update:In response to Bareass... " If he wins the nomination, it will be a landslide" You should do better research...
While Clinton is the Democratic frontrunner, Obama fares best when matched against Republicans in general election polling. Data released today (Monday) shows that Obama has closed the gap and is now virtually tied with GOP frontrunner Rudy Giuliani. Obama is tied with Republican Senator John McCain and leads every other Republican including Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, and Senators Sam Brownback and Chuck Hagel.
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Folks are tired of Hillary 'tricks' we're looking for a person who can move this country forward and not by playing games, using a magic ball or playing tricks. Hillary and her gang of thugs can lay down their rod and we'll be watching as Obama and his supporters EAT that rod up!
Enough! Americans don't need any more political 'tricks' if we wanted tricks we'll purchase the 'The Prestige' and I'm not one for political tricks or games.
Let's look at the numbers:
Hillary raised 26M (some of that from her personal purse) and about 300 other supporters with big bucks
Obama raised 25M from about 90,000 supporters.
You do the numbers and tell me what TRICK Hillary will use to increase the number of voters that will vote for her. Even if some supporters who couldn't afford to donate to Barack's campaign will go to the polls. Who will go for Hillary besides those she has secrets on?
Here's a thought: since Obama got elected to the Senate, all he's done is campaign for president. What's he doing for his constituents in his state? What's he doing to help run the country? How much real experience has he racked up in running the country? And all anyone has talked about is how Obama is alledgedly the "only person of color" in the presidential race right now. Uh, 'scuse me but what about Bill Richardson? Remember him? Governor of New Mexico, foreign policy expert, former congressman and former Secretary of Energy? You know, the moderate guy with all the real experience? And he's hispanic?
Neither Hillary nor Obama has said anything yet that has impressed me. Not. One. Thing.
I'm black and female and guess who I'm voting for...
Quite frankly, I Iike Barack Obama. I think he is a good guy. But, as in any young candidate in any type of organization or situation, he does not know exactly what goes on in Washington D.C. - at least this is what I believe. He doesn't know the depth of corruption and politics that happens in the White House. He might've seen some of the horrible things. But, I doubt that he's seen enough of it to realize what is the real story behind politics.
Hillary, in the other hand, is a seasoned politician. She has enough experience, knows enough people, and probably has seen enough of the hardball politics that goes on in Washington. She knows more about what exactly happens in the White House. If she is elected to be President, she will be able to hit the ground running with minimal mistakes.
Senator Obama is a great guy. But, if he is elected President, he'll have a lot of learning to do. He'll discover how high-level politics really work, and he'll have to learn what and how to do things in the White House. A lot of on-the-job learning which can potentially result in mistakes. Electing him as President is a risk.
Keven, You are in for the surprise of your life. The Democrats know if Barack Hussein Obama is nominated, the Republicans will (landslide) win the election with no matter who they nominate. Just think about it . . . political correctness is not going to elect the next U.S President!
I hope they battle so well against each other that some one else gets the nomination.
I know that will never happen but neither of them is capabale of anything but talk. Neither has directly answered a question- neither has made a stand on a specific issue. Yes they have harped on issues but generally speaking. They both sound to me like they are talking out of both sides of their mouth.
Yes. She will use every trick and connection she has to win the nomination.
SHE WILL GET IT! We don't need him in the White House - he doesn't have enough experience - we'll be in deeper crap than we are now.
hilary sucks!
go obama. or anyone else for that matter.
I certainly hope so! Wonder where Obama got his money- hope it's not radical muslims!