Ok there are several instances where Jesus himself is alone. Several that are written into the bible. Yet there were no witnesses. So who was able to pass along the message to be written hundreds of years later. For instance Jesus in the wilderness it was just him and satan noone else also his prayer in the garden he was alone all his deciples were sleeping. That makes no sense. Like it was just added to the book. Besides why would he pray to himself? I know you will all say TEAM GOD and triune but still he is Praying to himself (GOD) to help himself while being lead by himself (THE Spirit) in human flesh (Himself as God.)
Update:"Jesus wasn't God , he was equal with God , there is a difference.So he didn't pray to himself." So if he was not GOD himself but an equal that still brings the issue of MULTIPLE GODS!
Update 3:So Angel in other words no witness saw it but was told later by something?
Update 5:@Lindsey Yeah GOD Lifted a Mountain and told moses he made it very clear it was the truth some guys guess does not seem to be divine especially if he was alone. God also lifted a mountain to prove he was real and it all was true. In this case you have to take someones word on it. Similar to taking Joseph Smiths word on an angel telling him about Ancient Israelite being Native Americans.
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That's actually a good question. I have never thought of that. There doesn't seem to be a good answer.
It wasn't until the first council of Nicea in the third century that the idea of the trinity reached a consensus. Jesus was praying to the Jewish God at the time, and because it would have been blasphemy for there to be two gods, one being Jesus and the other yahweh, the church had to come up with some sort of explanation/justification for worshiping Jesus as a seperate deity. They came up with the idea that he was two, but also one.. ha!
Your first question is one about how there can be an account about Jesus when nobody was around. If a tree falls in the woods, is there anyone there to here it? Honestly, there is no way on earth to investigate this due to the amount of translations and variances between books and accounts. We don't even know who the authors were, or what the exact Greek texts were that these were based upon, if they were based upon texts at all or from passed down word of mouth. No way to know, but assuming it was not totally made up, it is possible that Jesus came 'round and gathered his apostles together and told them a story about his ventures into the forests.
There are other instances of "unseen events" that are recorded in the Bible.
The first two chapters of the book of Job tell about heavenly assemblies of angels. There were not visions or dreams, but statements of actual events.
The Bible, in 2nd Peter 1:21 gives the explanation of how these things could have been relayed -
"For prophecy was at no time brought by man's will, but men spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit."
And then 2nd Timothy 3:16 explains that "All scripture is inspired of God..."
God's holy spirit, or his power IN ACTION was able to directly or indirectly give this information to the Bible writers, OR recall it accurately to their minds IF it was something that they heard or saw.
Either way, we can accept it as an accurate account of what took place.
Yes, told later by the influence of the holy spirit.
This same holy spirit (per Genesis 1:2) was active in being used to create the "heavens and the earth" - both AWESOME in size. Surely that SAME power in action could influence the thinking capacity of one puny human.
We can sit in a room with a radio, and listen to a lecture and we could take exact notes IF the speaker spoke slowly enough. We would not HAVE to see the speaker to hear those words.
Although the "technology" is obviously different, we should not endeavor to put "limitations" on God's ability to use his power to bring about what he chooses to communicate to humans on earth.
An example was when the prophet Ezekiel was taken to Babylon, he was given the information that the priests IN JERUSALEM were practicing false worship, giving praise to false gods. He was not there in Jerusalem, but he was given the information while 500 miles away in another city. - Ezekiel chapter 8.
That's why those stories were fabricated by men.
Mark 16:8 The women fled (from the tomb). They were afraid and told no one.
See, the women were afraid and told no one and yet how did this got into the book?
Just like JK Rowling, she wrote the stories of Harry Potter and therefore she would be able to write in detail what Harry Potter thought or said, even if Harry Potter was alone (every actions, thoughts, deeds of Harry Potter would be at the mercy of the imagination of the writer).
Good question and there are many similar cases recorded in the Old Testament as well. For example, the entire story about Balaam and his donkey would not have been known to any Hebrew.
there is the classic with David who commits adultery with Bathsheba, she gets pregnant, he tries to get the husband to sleep along with his spouse so as that he thinks its his, and whilst he does not sleep along with his spouse, David gadgets him up via putting the husband on the front line in conflict and he gets killed. Then David takes her as his spouse. 2Sam 11:2-27 there is likewise the story of Samson and Delilah which i like besides the incontrovertible fact that this one isn't lots approximately intercourse, and greater approximately seduction, it jogs my memory slightly of the seductive dancing that gets the Baptist killed. The area of Samson and Delilah is recent in Judges sixteen:a million-19 there is the ladies, Sarah, who marries 7 circumstances, and every time she is together with her new husband at night the guy dies, he gets killed via a demon. Tobias comes alongside and falls for this females, yet she is apprehensive that he too will die via the demon. An angel tells him what he desires to do, and that they get it on and he lives. you will detect this in Tobit
Today that kind of stuff is called creative writing, fiction, novels, dramatized history and so on.
Ah, that's not all that odd.
He is not praying to Himself, since the Father is a completely separate and distinct Person.
Jesus wasn't God , he was equal with God , there is a difference.So he didn't pray to himself.