My girlfriend recently started taking OTC-lo. Started on the first day of her period. As of the information pamphlet, she should have been protected after the first pill.
But either way, she was 8 pills in (just started taking the light blue ones) and we had sex. I did not pull out at all. We both felt that it may have been a mistake, so I went out and got plan B: one-step. She took it less than 12 hours later.
Can anyone comment on the likely-hood of her being pregnant? If the OTC-lo worked, she was suppose to be protected after the first pill. So the plan B was most likely overkill anyways.
Just feeling a bit worried cuz she has been having mood swings and fatigued and a little nauseous. Unfortunately these are symptoms of both pregnancy and taking BC. Anyone been in this situation? Just feeling worried. Thank you!
Update:From OTC-LO website,
"Day 1 Start: Take the first “active” white pill of the first pack within 24 hours of starting your period . If you choose a Day 1 Start, you will not need to use a backup method of birth control because you are starting the Pill at the beginning of your period."
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Answers & Comments
First of all who told you it takes a day for birth control to kick in? It takes a full week for birth control to effectively work. Even then gyno's will say to wait about a month to be fully protected. Anyhow taking plan-B and birth control is never a good idea. I had this same issue a couple months ago and my question is why didn't you guys read the whole pamphlet? If you're going to put a pill in your body especially one you've never taken without any adult help you should definitely be researching and not on the computer. Did you express your concerns to a pharmacist when you bought it? That's what they are there for and if you;re too scared to ask then you shouldn't be sexually active. Regardless its not my business . Anyway if you read the pamphlet it specifically states that taking plan B can mess up your period schedule and because your gf just started taking birth control that could also mess up her period schedule. It said getting your period is kate but after 2 weeks to definitely tke a pregnancy test. Also plan-B is not a birth control it is only about 80% effective or around there. Your gf's birth control has fully kicked in yet I'd say you definitely at least have to wait a full week and to be safer a month to make sure. other things be safe there drug interactions with the pill such as: barbituartes, bosentan, carbamazephine, felbamate, grisofulvin, oxcarbazephine, phenytoin, rifampin, st. john's wart, and topirmate.
She was already protected from her OTC. It is dangerous to give the day after pill to someone already on the pill. It is a massive dose of hormone. She should keep taking the OTC on schedule and do not take anymore plan B pills as long as she is on birth control pills.
Otc Lo