Pablo Ramirez, Andres Cantor, or Jorge Perez Navarro?
Who do you like better as a commentator? I think Pablo Ramirez is hella funny..Perez Navarro is kind of annoying..and Cantor is okay..who do you like better?
Pablo Ramirez is the bomb yo. He can be very funny too. But I must admit I do miss Andres Cantor at times.
Jesus Bracamontes tho is a great analyst. I enjoy listening to him breaking down the game and his expertise. Him and Pablo form one of the best duos of commentators/analysts of all time.
Andres Cantor. Pablo Ramirez says the same shite and is annoying af. Plus he always goes off subject and starts takling about novelas and up coming events. It's all wack. Univision, Telefutura, and Galavision. They're all wack. I prefer Andres Cantor and Azteca America.
Pablo Ramirez could be the best if he didnt ask so many questions, ask for replays and just talk about thing that dont even relate to soccer. I like Jorge Ramos from ESPN Deportes theirs a major difference.
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Pablo Ramirez is the bomb yo. He can be very funny too. But I must admit I do miss Andres Cantor at times.
Jesus Bracamontes tho is a great analyst. I enjoy listening to him breaking down the game and his expertise. Him and Pablo form one of the best duos of commentators/analysts of all time.
"¡Se escondio la niña de mis ojos!"
Jorge Perez Navarro
Pablo Ramirez, he knows what he's saying and is pretty funny
I've always thought Andres Cantor sounds like a wounded moose, and then his voice always breaks when he screams gol which is very disturbing.
Perez Navarro sucks, period.
Pablo Ramirez.
Andres Cantor. Pablo Ramirez says the same shite and is annoying af. Plus he always goes off subject and starts takling about novelas and up coming events. It's all wack. Univision, Telefutura, and Galavision. They're all wack. I prefer Andres Cantor and Azteca America.
Pablo Ramirez could be the best if he didnt ask so many questions, ask for replays and just talk about thing that dont even relate to soccer. I like Jorge Ramos from ESPN Deportes theirs a major difference.
Jocelyn Naomi Ramirez Jocelyn Elise Ramierez Jocelyn Hayleigh Ramierez Jocelyn Veronica Ramierez Jocelyn Ruth Ramierez Jocelyn Mariah Ramierez Jocelyn Farrah Ramierez
Ramirez, then Navarro, then Cantor.
Pablo Ramierez.
Pablo Ramirez he may be annoying but he makes the game more exciting to hear