Yesterday I opened my battery cut the correct pin and everything, but when i put the battery in nothing happened. I tried turning it on but it didn't work. So i connected the AC adapter in and i turned it on. It was on recovery mode so I pressed the X button and then it says "Battery hast to be at least 50%". So I charged it for a few hours and still it said it had to be at least 50%. So i charged it again and I noticed the orange light turned off in a few seconds. So i checked if it was just the PSP but when i took out the battery and kept the AC adapter plugged in and it still worked. I kept trying to fix it over and over again and still nothing. And i have another question if i take out the battery and turn it on while it's connected to the AC adapter is it still suppose to be on recovery mode?
Update:Also, when I turn on my PSP without the AC adapter it still works but it turns off in less than a minute.
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You can only go into recovery menu if you currently have custom firmware on your psp. I'm assuming you don't have custom firmware since you're making a service battery (a.k.a. pandora). If you had custom firmware you can make a pandora batt with a psp game app on your memory stick. I made my own batt with a fat. I cut out the pin, created a spark and some smoke, but it still worked and does to this day. When you put the pandora battery in the psp without the magic stick it will turn on the psp automatically on a blank black screen. You will know it is on if there is a light lit up on the bottom right of the psp. If you don't get the blank black screen without the magic memory stick; then yours didn't work. Hopefully by recovery menu, you were referring to the pandora menu with the magic stick and pandora battery in the psp. You can check out my other related psp answers here on Yahoo. Hope I helped.
I don't think you're still supposed to be on recovery menu. The recovery menu is only when you hold R when you turn on your PSP.
And I think when you cut the pin, you might have touched something else that screwed it up like accidentally cut something by accident. Or you might have cut the wrong one even though you might think it was right but I'm not sure. Honestly, I think you might need to buy another battery.
And I believe that there are safer ways to make a Pandora Battery without cutting it.