About a month ago At night, I'm sleeping but then something started shaking my bed, I woke up, but still had my eyes closed and I couldn't move & I could feel As if someone was breathing right next to me and I could feel them or it next to my face,I tried to scream but I couldn't even open my mouth, so I thought that if I pretend to ignore it, it will go away, and after like 5 second it went away and was able to get up and I ran to my parents room and they were both sleeping, so it wasn't them. Today the same thing happened, I tried to turn, but I couldn't even turn and I tried to scream but I couldn't, then after 5 seconds it went away.
I live like 1 mile away from the train, but this is the first time I experience that, so I don't think it's the train.
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Tell your doctor and have a sleep study done. They do this in a hospital where they hard-wire you up like a hi-fi nut's basement, and watch you sleep for several hours. They may wake you up once or twice to see what you were dreaming, and in the morning after giving you breakfast, they send you home. A neurologist analyzes your brainwave activity and can tell if you are having any sleep disturbances such as sleep apnea, sleep paralysis, snoring, seizures, etc. A lot of so-called paranormal activity that always seem to happen at night to people-- is because it is sleep paralysis and nothing paranormal about it. Even ghosts have better things to do than to just start shaking some schmuck in the middle of the night for no reason.
Please note some commentary that might be of help:
*** g86 8/22 pp. 8-9 Solving the Mystery ***
Solving the Mystery
THAT powers beyond what are normal have enabled people to perform extraordinary deeds is well established. Brian Inglis notes: “Paranormal phenomena are now closer to formal recognition than they have been since medieval times—when they were considered to be as natural, even if not so predictable, as any other of nature’s forces.”
What is the source of these extraordinary powers? Well, for thousands of years, most of the human family has believed that the souls of the dead live on in the spirit world. And it is commonly believed that these souls or spirits of the dead are responsible for paranormal phenomena. But are they?
Are the Dead Responsible?
If the dead are unconscious—really dead—then it would be impossible for them to be the mysterious forces behind the occult. Well, then, what is the condition of the dead?
Describing the creation of man, the Scriptures say: “Man became a living soul.” (Genesis 2:7, King James Version) Note that there is not the slightest hint here that man was given a soul as one of the components of his being. Rather, the soul clearly is the man himself. So, what happens when man dies?
Of Jesus Christ, the Bible prophesied: “He hath poured out his soul unto death.” (Isaiah 53:12, KJ) And of humankind generally, the Scriptures say: “The soul that sinneth, it shall die.” (Ezekiel 18:4, 20, KJ) All human souls die because they have all inherited sin from the first man, Adam, who became a sinner by disobeying God. And the Bible says: “The wages of sin is death.” (Romans 5:12; 6:23, KJ) So at death, the soul, the sense-possessing person, dies.
Is it possible, therefore, for the dead to communicate with the living? The Bible says: “[Man] breathes his last breath, he returns to the dust; and in that same hour all his thinking ends.” The Bible also says: “It is not the dead who praise the LORD, not those who go down into silence; but we, the living, bless the LORD.”—Psalm 146:4; 115:17, The New English Bible.
Since the dead cannot praise God because their ‘thinking has ended,’ they certainly cannot communicate with the living nor be responsible for any paranormal phenomena. Then who are responsible?
Hello, I have experienced things like that, your in that state of limbo half a sleep and half awake, not sure if what your feeling is a dream or a real life encounter with a spirit. I have been studying paranormal activity and yes even demonology due to some of the encounters I have experienced. I recently posted a question on here about almost the same thing, but mine were voices/songs well in that state of "limbo".
I have no real answer for you but only may be able to guide you or give you advice. I know your probably terrified or weird out by what you experienced. My advice is to embrace it, not be freaked out by it. Get a notebook/journal and write down anything weird/paranormal. If it keeps happening maybe ask your parents if they have had anything weird happened in the house. If you have brothers/sisters or friends who have stayed over ask them as well.
Sometimes like me I can sense if the spirit is evil or good. If you get the sense it maybe evil, its time to get our parents involved, yeah they may think your weird or nuts, but most may understand and may have had an encounter before in their lifetime. If its good or you get a peaceful/ good vibe, trying embracing it, understanding it, helping it.
My last think to you is, has anybody recently passed away in your family or someone in the past years you were really close to or cared about. I can tell you from my experiences I and my family have sensed our loved ones around us, by the things happening around us which we may find weird but eventually trigger something in us a memory, emotion, smell, taste, etc. Thats why I said to keep a journal, right now it may freak you out, but eventually something may happen that triggers something in you and may bring peace!
I wish you the best!
If you can think of a reasonable ALTERNAATIVE (mind playing tricks), then there is NEVER a need to go with the Paranormal option. "Paranormal" is ALWAYS the last possibility to consider, if any, ONLY after ALL other possibilities have been exhausted.----And even then it is "Unexplained" ---not the folk explanation associated with it.
Probably a small quake, large truck in the street, etc.
Stop scaring yourself with all these bogus things.
It's sleep paralysis - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis
Tell your parents. A camera may be helpful.
judging by your experience, this is a demonic spirit. You should probably get your house blessed.
I think its very likely your house is haunted
no it's not . Don't mind winston .